Business plan

Hello everyone my name is Robert, they are my partner Tim and Derrick

Today we well analysis the Yong He Soybean Milk restaurant, and this presentation have 7 aspects: brand, marketing environment analysis, products, price, target customers strategy and a conclusion. OK before all my words I have a small research, Who knows the Yong He restaurant? Please put up your hands. Ok thank you somebody knows this brad. (you well know it for my introduce) This restaurant comes from Tai Wan province of China. It made by double old soldiers in about 1950 years. The slogan of it is quality, faithful, innovate and development. And it is also a popular brand in all over the world such like UKAmerica, Canada and so on with about 500 branches. So it is a big company.

Marketing environment is a vital aspect of a product. There are about 90% branches of Yong He Soybean Milk Restaurant in China market. So there is a strong connection with the restaurant development and China economy. Look this picture, China GDP per capita has a crazy increase from 1990 years to the last years. So the restaurant have much profit with China economy developed. During these years the political environment is peaceful and stable in all over the world. most of countries heave many policy which encourage retail to developed. Such like UK government reduce the revenue and loan so much money for retailers. The restaurant catch the great chance and the gold time to develop and success. It also many branches in London.

And then I want to analyze some products of the brand. Maybe it would let you hungry.

If some audience not eat breakfast. First I will analyze the star product soybean milk.(展示实物)Soybean milk is the most important product. Yong he soybean is different with other general soybean milk. In order to better satisfy the consumers, the restaurant add a lot of food basis on soybean such like peanut, ormosia, wolanut, Black soya bean, then during many complex progress. A cup of delicious and healthy soybean would be made. (提问) This product been divided 2 kinds. One is the freshly cooked soybean milk. Customers can choose cold or hot drink as they like. Another powdery soybean milk, (展示实物)it quite similar to instant coffee. You can make it by yourself at home. First, put it into a cup and add some hot water , Wait about 5 minutes you can enjoy your own drink. There are varied kinds of foods in the restaurant. Such as noodle, rice and another delicious food to rich consumers dining-table. Sorry I can’t analyze detail of any products with the less time.

Finally summary my opinion the restaurant success with: long history , good marketing environment and delicious and healthy food.

Next, please invite my friend Tim to introduce other context. Thank you!