Discussion questions

deLaplante, K. [Kevin deLaplante]. (2013, February 1). What is an inductive argument? [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/affFHkV4kNo?list=PLB8A5292FC68E2D77

  • This video defines inductive reasoning and carefully teaches the relationship between inductive reasoning and strength. It will help students to respond to the discussion prompts this week as well as to complete the writing assignment.

deLaplante, K. [Kevin deLaplante]. (2010, January 13). What is a “STRONG” argument? [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/LXMAR63TVDI?list=PLFEEB67EDDFC780DC

  • This video presents what it means for an argument to be inductively strong. This should help students to construct inductively strong reasoning. It will help students to respond to the discussion prompts this week as well as to complete the writing assignment.


Harrison, J. [Justin Harrison]. (2013, December 12). Inductive arguments 1 [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/kUeqO90agT8

  • In this video, Dr. Harrison explains the difference between inductive and inductive reasoning, explaining the concepts of validity and strength, with which we evaluate each type of inference. It will help students to respond to the discussion prompts this week as well as to complete the writing assignment. This video has closed captioning and a transcript.

Harrison, J. [Justin Harrison]. (2013, December 12). Inductive arguments 2 [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/wyq3QkfcZEg

  • In this video, Dr. Harrison explains the difference between inductive and inductive reasoning, explaining the concepts of validity and strength, which we evaluate each type of inference. It will help students to respond to the discussion prompts this week as well as to complete the writing assignment.