Need by 5pm

Developing persuasive business messages part II

By Alicia Laster


Professor Grabarczyk


TO: All Board Members

FROM: Alicia Laster

DATE: 24/03/2017

RE: Investment into the Taxi Business

In light of recent events and proposals, I would wish to address all board members on the matter of this organization investing in the taxi business. As you saw in my analysis, the taxi business is a very profitable business which we need to start to increase funds in our organization. If we start the business, we will increase income levels in our company and create more employment or the population. With the money we get from the taxis, we will increase our organization's strength and capital levels hence we can undertake even more huge investments. The organization will grow to noticeable heights internationally. This is the breakthrough this organization has been yearning for a long time.

If we embark on this project, we will be able to fund other major projects since the taxi project requires less capital but the yields will be very high. The taxi business will make more money than any other project this organization has worked on. All members should support this project since its benefits will grow the organization.

Reasons why we should support the taxi business and fund it is that it will drastically make a lot of revenue for the company. It will also publicize the company and attract investors to fund and do business with this organization. There is less competition in the taxi business compared to other businesses. The risk is also reduced since all taxis will be insured and equipped with gps tracking to avoid theft and losses. The government through insurance compensates taxi owners after an accident hence risk on vehicle is greatly reduced. I have done enough research and I can assure you that taxi business is lucrative. Around our organization, there are barely any taxis and the population is very high. We can take advantage of this and net the market around us. This will be a good heads start. I request that all board members forward a list of their thoughts on the issue.

Research on Taxi Business in Australia


To a great extent in view of their daily accessibility and ability to give fast reliable benefit, cabs are a vital supplement to customary planned services given by different types of common transport. Cab administrations are especially significant to less versatile gatherings in the group, for example, elderly and handicapped individuals.

It is essential that such administrations are proficiently given, address clients' issues and are fittingly estimated. There have been long-standing worries that these targets would not be satisfied without government intercession. Thus, governments in Australia, and in numerous different nations, have customarily firmly controlled the arrangement of taxi (and contract car) services.

The type of cab markets

Cab services are one of only a handful couple of enterprises in Australia that the value, the amount and the nature of the delivery are altogether managed. The level of control of an administration which is portrayed by numerous little providers — for instance, there are more than four thousand taxicabs in Sydney — suggests that there are variables at play that, without direction, would bring about "poor" results for the group on the loose. The type of the control recommends that these deficiencies could include components that:

• counteract shoppers settling on powerful decisions;

• frustrate the effective operation of administration providers; or

• Otherwise prompt antagonistic social effects on the group.

To comprehend the reason for direction, it is important to consider the way of the exchanges in the business and the issues that could emerge on the off chance that it was not controlled. These matters are talked about underneath.

1. Market segments

There are various players in the taxi business, each with various interests. As foundation to the talk of taxi markets, box 2.1 gives a preview of the structure of the business in Sydney and Canberra.

Albeit all cabs offer comprehensively comparable administrations — giving way to-entryway traveller benefits on request — their exercises can be sectioned into various sub-markets:

• Taxis that are procured from a rank;

• Taxis that are hailed from the road; and

• Taxis that are reserved by telephone.

Hire rival taxis for telephone appointments. In any case, for the most part in light of administrative requirements, they don't contend intimately with taxicabs in other market fragments (although some contract cab administrators try to pull in travellers at airplane terminals, significant lodgings and so forth).

2. The rank and hail cab markets

All through Australia, particular kerb-side territories are assigned as cab ranks. They are for the most part situated in zones of generally popularity for cabs (e.g. adjoining shopping and amusement focuses and vast office buildings). Positions are likewise an advantageous holding inlet in off-pinnacle periods. Under the present game plans of to a great extent similar supply, buyers select the main cab from a line or hold up in queue at the rank until a taxi reaches.

The airplane terminal is the most critical cab rank in most significant Australian urban communities. In Sydney, cabs travel from the airplane terminal records for 25 for each penny of aggregate taxi trips

3. Phone reservations

With telephone appointments, a shopper pre-chooses a taxi organization from those that work in a given zone. (Be that as it may, in littler urban areas the decision is regularly constrained — for instance, there is just a solitary taxi helpful in Canberra.) To supply benefits in the telephone market, a taxi should be part of a system since, inferable from unevenness in the stream of work, a solitary administrator couldn't react to all reserving demands inside adequate circumstances.

Rather than the rank and hail situation, the telephone reservation market does not experience the ill effects of similar limitations to viable rivalry. Purchasers — or if nothing else more regular clients — don't confront a similar hunt costs: they can arrange costs in advance in an unpressured situation, look for value data from a scope of organizations or utilize an organization which for a fact they know gives a cost and quality blend which meets their necessities. In such manner, contracting a taxi by telephone is not at all like obtaining a scope of different services regularly sorted out by telephone, for example, requesting home conveyed pizza or drawing in home handypersons.

Analysing the circumstance for occurring regulations

Competition consensus demand that the requirement for, and other options to, current direction be considered in legislation audits. In light of the attributes recognized in taxi markets, this section talks about: the requirement for government association; regardless of whether existing regulatory administrations are the most proficient means to overcome issues in taxi markets; certain key components that support their effect; and administrative choices that could be considered as a major aspect of the enactment surveys.

Wellbeing and quality direction

As noted, each of the three market fragments — rank, hail and telephone — clients experience issues in surveying the security and nature of administration related with a specific taxi. This might be to a lesser degree an issue for regular clients who, after some time, get comfortable with the bore of the drivers and the cleanliness of vehicles connected to a specific taxi organization. In any case, with substantial quantities of individual taxi proprietors, noteworthy varieties in quality gauges can exist, even between taxicabs in a similar armada. Also, even incessant clients have restricted ability to survey a few components of security and quality (e.g. the roadworthiness of the vehicle).

Regulating entry

Contentions for confining passage to the taxi industry are frequently not very much verbalized but rather, in the main, are founded on improving security and compelling fare increments.

Objectives of prohibiting entry

Cab safety

Taxi associations and a few governments contend that confining the quantity of cabs out and about empowers taxi proprietors to accomplish a level of pay that is adequate to guarantee that vehicles meet the recommended wellbeing principles. Expanding cab numbers, it is contended, would bring about falling wages and a decrease in upkeep and security levels.

Constraining fare increases

A few financial specialists have contended that passage limitations are important to ensure the proficient working of the market. All the more particularly, they contend that price rivalry is impossible among taxicabs on the grounds that the way of cab markets implies that an individual cab diminishing its cost may not prompt additional interest for its services. It is battled that, if cabs had no incentive to decrease costs, deregulating passage could prompt more taxicabs entering the market and, thus, costs rising as opposed to falling as each taxi endeavours to take care of its expenses from a similar pool of clients. A few commentators utilize this type of thinking to clarify why costs ascended in United States cab markets when they were deregulated.

Remuneration and modification help

Attendant with proposition for the deregulation of the taxi business is the need to consider two vital usage issues — change help and pay. This part investigates some of these issues, including:

• The frame, reasons and the connection amongst conformity and pay;

• Adjustment and remuneration issues particular to taxi deregulation; and

• Practical contemplations related with remuneration


In its least complex frame, pay includes money exchanges to the "failures" of a strategy change to re-establish, or mostly re-establish, their pre-change position (i.e. wealth circumstance).

From a proficiency point of view, some contend that there is no case for remuneration since it dissolves the advantages of change conversely, others consider that inability to make up for significant arrangement changes can undermine financial specialist certainty and prompt escalated endeavours by personal stakes to try to have changes ceased.

Modification assistance

The term 'modification assistance' is generally used to portray a wide group of arrangement instruments which mean to help people and firms acclimate to evolving conditions.

Alteration help is supported by social 'safety net', which incorporates long standing plans to give salary support to burdened individuals in the group and those suffering hardships. The 'safety net' is the leading, and regularly just, port of call for some people unfavourably influenced by change (regardless of whether strategy or market prompted).

Summarizing comments

The arrangement of remuneration is a complex yet critical matter for governments to determine. Regardless of whether remuneration ought to be paid — and in the event that it is, how much more and in what state— relies on upon how governments see a scope of components including:

• Efficiency and value;

• Perceptions of reasonableness; and

• More extensive, frequently down to earth, contemplations

In the event that the taxi business neglects to yield the normal measure of income assessed I will build the quantity of showcasing techniques to promote our taxicabs and ideally the deals and number of clients will increment. I will utilize the web to advertise our administrations. A site will be made significantly to publicize our cabs universally.

Cross-cultural and multinational implications

Due to different culture of people all over the world, use of internet for marketing may be limited. This is because some cultures do not allow the use of internet and view it as a sin or taboo. Some people believe that the internet is evil and they can’t use it. Some nationalities do not have access to the internet meaning our adverts won’t reach people in those regions.

I recommend that the organisation funds the taxi project since the outcome has been proven positive. All queries should be addressed to me during normal working hours.


Alicia Laster