
Exceeds Expectations

Meets Expectations

Slightly Below Expectations

Below Expectations

Quality of Writing (12 points)

Sentence Structure

All sentences are well-constructed with varied structure.

4 points

Most sentences are well-constructed with varied structure.

3 points

Some sentences are well-constructed but some lack structure and appear incomplete or rambling.

2 points

Sentences lack structure and appear incomplete or rambling.

0-1 points

Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation & Capitalization

Writer makes no errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation or capitalization so the paper is exceptionally easy to read.

4 points

Writer makes 1-2 errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation or capitalization but the paper is still easy to read.

3 points

Writer makes a few errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation or capitalization that catch the reader's attention and distract the reader from the content.

2 points

Writer makes several errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation or capitalization that catch the reader's attention and greatly distract the reader from the content.

0-1 points


Information is very organized with well-constructed paragraphs and subheadings.

4 points

Information is organized with well-constructed paragraphs.

3 points

Information may be disorganized, paragraphs are not well-constructed therefore distracting the reader.

2 points

The information is disorganized and difficult for the reader to understand.

0-1 points

Quality of Sources (12 points)

Number of Supreme Court Cases Referenced

At least three Supreme Court Cases are referenced as precedent in paper.

9-12 points

Two Supreme Court Cases are referenced as precedent in the paper.

5-8 points

One Supreme Court Case is referenced as precedent in the paper.

1-4 points

No Supreme Court Cases are referenced as precedent in the paper.

0 points

Quality of Information (26 points)


All facts are reported accurately.

7-8 points

Almost all facts are reported accurately.

4-6 points

Most facts are reported accurately.

2-3 points

Most facts are not reported OR are inaccurately reported.

0-1 points

Amount of Information

The questions of the case are addressed and answered completely.

7-8 points

The questions of the case are addressed but not answered completely.

4-6 points

Only one of the questions posed in the case was answered.

2-3 points

Neither of the questions posed in the case was answered.

0-1 points


The opinion clearly and concisely defines the issues in the case and provides a well reasoned logical analysis of whether the police actions violated the Fourth Amendment


The opinion is mostly clear but may lack in reasoning or logic.

6-8 points

The opinion is somewhat unclear, rambling or lacking in logical reasoning or does not clearly define the issues in the case.

3-5 points

Information has little or nothing to do with case or question. The attempt is minimal or unintelligible.

0-2 points