
Health Policy and Management

Discussion Guidelines and Suggestions

**Discussions are an important part of interaction and learning in the online environment.


  • The forum questions do not have right or wrong answers, but are designed to encourage dialogue among classmates and to hear different views.

  • Keep your posts to 250 words.

    • Conversations, rather than long discussion posts, will help to solidify the information you are learning.

    • Posts of 1000 words or more, encourage students to not have the time or energy to comment on more than one other student's post.

  • Your discussion posts should draw from the reading materials, outside sources, and your own experience.

    • If you cite material, make sure to include a citation.

  • When responding to your peer’s comments, make sure your feedback has substance and is related to the reading and lectures.

  • Instructors will read all discussion threads and students are expected to do the same.

  • Instructors will join the discussion periodically, sometimes to ask a question that might take the discussion in a different direction or to a deeper level.

*See discussion rubric on next page.

Health Policy and Management

Weekly Discussion Board Rubric

Good to Excellent


Fair to Good


Poor to Fair


Timeliness 10%

(100-100%) NA

(100-100%) Submits the initial post and response post by Sunday and Wednesday.

(0-0%) NA

Application of Concepts 30%

Composes a post that utilizes the weekly materials, addresses all items from the prompt, and connects ideas with concepts from previous modules or other prior learning

Composes a post that utilizes the weekly materials and addresses

all items from the prompt.

Composes a post that does not utilize the weekly materials or address the prompt.

Support of



Utilizes course materials that are relevant to the discussion and clearly supports the ideas presented in the prompt in addition to utilizing outside resources

Utilizes course materials that are relevant to the discussion and clearly supports ideas presented in posts.

Utilizes course materials, but the resource is not relevant to the discussion or does not clearly support ideas.

Engagement 25%

Offers feedback, posits questions or ideas to peers, deepens the discussion, and utilizes outside resources

Offers feedback, posits questions or ideas to peers and deepens the discussion .

Responds to peers, but does not reflect upon what peer has posted.




Post is well organized and contains no substantial errors in spelling or grammar.

Errors in organization, spelling, or grammar but post flows and is still readable.

Errors in organization, spelling, or grammar affect readability of post