logistics topic: Solving one issue in Intel company case study (need only 2 pages )


Improving my writing and supporting my claims.

Reading the actual Intel case file is important to have a complete idea of the wrong staff I have in my writing.

This is a case study for Intel company.

To have more idea about the instructions. 
1- Look at the table for the printers cost in the my writing file. I’m not sure about the cost to replace and have new printers. I also do not have resources for these numbers. Try to find how much is it cost for replacing new printers. Recreate the table again and provide sources for it. 
2- There is one part which is (weight, and customs weight) find complete and clear solution issue. I need from you to provide more evidences to support the solution and make it more since. there are costs that must be known for this issue find these costs and explain them. 
3- The aim of reading my writing fail is to get ideas about the weight issue section. Look only at the weight issue. do not do anything with the other sections or issues.
I only need one draft to write about the weight issue in Intel company and the costs for printers which enough for 2 pages. 
My writing file and Intel case study file are only sources to get ideas, information, and knowledge about the weight issues in Intel company. 


Within this case, it is assumed that the weight is manually entered for all of the products from a scale, and the dimensional weights are standard and are already implemented within the master data. The products weight is being put into the system incorrectly this can either be from incorrect dimensional weights that are within the master data, or the weight is being manually entered in wrong. For international shipments, this can cost the company tens of thousands of dollars from custom agencies that need exact and correct information to allow the shipment into foreign countries CITED SOURCE. Having to re-submit customs paperwork with correct information, refund customer's’ payment for the shipment, losing future business with the international buyer, and inability to recover shipment altogether are all extremely costly

how to make SOLUTION

need automated weight into the system so they don’t have to type it in manually.

The new process will incorporate a system for weighing boxes of products before they are placed in inventory.

In fact, Intel will have a system that weighs international shipments each box twice along the way. On all measuring computers, it will require each employee to double check and confirm the weight.

The company acknowledges the added costs of close inspection; It will only apply these policies to international shipments where risk is greatest.

COSTS for weight