No time wasters please - must be able to address all criteria - only highly rated tutors will be considered

1. Title: Poster Presentation

Type: Presentation (Recorded video and PowerPoint slides)

Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1, 4

Due Date: Week 5

Weight: 20%

Task Description:

Students are required to create a recorded video presentation (5 minutes) that addresses the following points

1. Evaluate the strategy of a company (listed on the ASX500 in the last 5 years) of your choice. Students should use the company’s stated strategic objectives and performance results to evaluate the success or failure of the company’s strategy. Using strategic management theories, students should be able to evaluate the existing strategy of the company and discuss why the strategy is or is not working?


2. Provide recommendations for the company’s future strategy over the next five-years.

Students are required to conduct a research project that utilizes the tools and concepts of the class (using topics covered in week 1-4). The presentation must include (but is not limited to) the following criteria:

1. Company Background and Key Issues

1.1 Provide a brief introduction of the company background

1.2 Provide a brief explanation of why company is chosen and the key issues of the company

3. Identification factors affecting the firm’s strategy

2.1 Identifying macroeconomic factors

2.2 Industry Analysis

2.3 Stakeholder Analysis

3. Identification of the firm’s key resources

3.1 Assess the firm’s strengths and weaknesses

3.2 Assess the firm’s sources of competitive advantage and evaluate the sustainability of those advantages

3.3 Investigate the firm’s performance based on its financial statements and compare that performance with its competitors

4. Recommendations

Based on the key issues of the firm, propose 3 to 5 concrete analytical conclusions and sound strategic recommendations and specify the financing that will be required to support those decisions


Your tutors are available to discuss your choice of organisation. Please seek assistance early, do not leave this to the week of when the presentation has to be submitted.

There are two parts to this assignment and you must submit both parts:

  1. Poster – this comprises four static powerpoint slides that you would use to support your oral presentation. Your powerpoint slides should be a summary of what you are highlighting in your recorded video. You do not need to create an actual poster.

  1. Oral presentation – this is a video recording (5 mins) of the strategic evaluation you have conducted on the organisation of your choice, strategic recommendations you are making to the organisation. Please introduce yourself, and please include your full name and student number in the file name of your short film (e.g. joe_bloggs_s2773456.mp4)

Note: The audience of this presentation is your Tutor. No other students or anyone else will see your film. You can be creative and imaginative in how you present the information. However, you should ensure that you have discussed about the four main criteria, which were discussed above.

You can record either a video that displays just you talking (ie a ‘talking head’) or a video that has both your slides and your talking head visible.

Presentation Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How long should I prepare to present?

A. You should prepare a transcript to present on the your slides (4-5 minutes). Both oral presentation and the powerpoint slides are required for this presentation.

Q. How can I fit everything on the slides? Is there a minimum font size?

A. If you are thinking of putting a lot of text on your slides then please think again. Try to prioritise the information and represent your main points, rather than cutting and pasting a lot of text onto the slides. There is no minimum font size, but ‘busy’ slides will receive lower marks.

Q. Do I have to use images or graphics in the slides?

A. Generally, the appropriate use of images and graphics adds to the effectiveness of your presentation.

Q. Do I need permission to use graphics or images?

A. Most images and graphs can be used as part of a university assignment, but not for other purposes. The answer to this question, therefore, is that it depends on if you are only using the presentation for this assessment task. In most cases it would be better to construct your own graphs rather than cutting and pasting something. You must correctly reference anything that you copy.

Q. What headings should I use in sections on the poster?

A. Look carefully at the question that you are addressing, and you will find that you need about 4-5 headings to effectively answer the questions. You can identify the headings from the relevant question.

Q. Where should I put my references?

A. Choose the main references and put them in a separate (fifth) slide. Therefore, in total you will have 5 slides, which 4 of them include the contents and the fifth one includes the main references.

Q. What will score high marks in this assessment task?

A. The answer to this is found in the marking rubric. According to the rubric, high scoring assignments would demonstrate: - excellent use of current theory to analyse the company or industry; current data is effectively integrated throughout the analysis; content thoroughly presented/ analysed in an interesting, knowledgeable way; key points clearly expressed and integrated with logical links; presented appropriate, forward-thinking recommendations; well-selected graphics that all clearly relate to the topic and make it easier to understand; no grammar or spelling errors; student clearly demonstrates greater depth of knowledge than just the information in the slides.

Recording and submitting the oral presentation

The oral presentation should be recorded and uploaded through the L@G course site in any video format. It is the students’ responsibility to ensure they seek assistance with technical skills involved in this assessment task, if needed, BEFORE the deadline. Remember to compress the video file into a smaller format for uploading and note that you should be aware of your own Internet uploading speed to avoid timing out. STUDENTS MUST COMPRESS THEIR FILES BEFORE UPLOADING to the online submission point! Students who do not compress their files will face challenges and time-outs when submitting online.

Note: If the students face any problems in terms of the submission they should contact the head tutor as soon as possible.

Tips on how to do your presentation

  • See the TED talks for ways to deliver speeches (

  • Do NOT read from a script.

  • Environment and sound are also important as it affects your presentation. For example, make sure you don't have a TV playing in the background, dogs barking and have checked the volume settings on your recording device.

  • Review the marking criteria and make sure you focus on the specific items stated.

  • You can use a smartphone, mobile device, or recording camera to record your presentation - the choice is up to you and what you have access to and feel comfortable operating. The main objective is to produce a 4-5 min video where you are seen (at least from the waist up when standing) and heard with/without accompanying powerpoints. There are many helpful guides on the internet and Youtube as to how to use your phone, mobile device or recording camera to produce a video so do a little research first to ensure you know how to operate and record on your device.

Criteria & Marking: 

Refer to the rubric detailed on the Learning@Griffith site.


The PowerPoint slides and the video should be submitted online through the Submission points section in the left menu of the course site.