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You did a very nice job on your discussion regarding Joe’s dilemma.  Here's an example of another provider and how they are coping. http://southfloridahospitalnews.com/page/Health care_Financial_Strategies_in_a_Challenging_Economy/3667/1/.

What do you think of the fact that uninsured are most likely to forego or delay care? According to the Kaiser Foundation, “ the uninsured are more likely than the insured to develop a disability over time, we also know that, even after accounting for health differences, they are more likely to die early. The Institute of Medicine estimates that at least 18,000 Americans die prematurely each year simply because they lack health coverage" (Myth 6). How would you feel about free preventative care for all that is paid by the government?

Myths about the Uninsured . Kaiser Foundation (2005), http://kff.org/uninsured/fact-sheet/ten-myths-about-the-uninsured/