Week 1: Discussion 1 and 2 04/03/2017

Ashford 2: - Week 1 - Discussion 2

Lori Smith

4/2/2017 12:08:11 AM

Three Classical Ethical Theories

Identify and define each of the three dominant ethical theories in Western philosophy. Describe a situation that you have faced recently that presented an ethical dilemma. How would you evaluate your actions in this situation to determine whether or not they were good or virtuous?

This is the fundamental principle of utilitarianism: One should choose to do that which produces a better outcome for the largest number of people. (Mosser, 2013).

Perhaps the most famous of these is deontology. Coming from the Greek deon, which means "duty," deontology (sometimes referred to as duty ethics) focuses on what we are obligated to do as rational moral agents.( Mosser, 2013).

According to virtue ethics, possessing all the characteristics of a virtuous person and having all but one in the proper proportion. Virtue ethics emphasizes the moral, or virtuous, person who exemplifies moral behavior (Mosser, 2013).

Presently at work we are faced with some issues regarding a yard being closed and those drivers being placed with us. The others are not pleased with the fact that the new recruits have more seniority then them and are afraid of being bumped. I stated to them in the meeting that this is the same way I was treated when I transferred here from that recently closed yard, two years back and it was not fair to me then and this is not fair now. The importance of me saying that was to let them know that I can relate to the new drivers because I was treated the same way.

Many were upset but I was trying to get them to see it from my point of view what if you were to be in their shoes. Its not easy having your job in jeopardy and the only resort is to merge with another company where the employees are not trying to be considering of others feelings and hardship.

I think I lost some colleagues that day but I don’t care because some have backed down from their unfair behavior and has since been kinder to the new recruits but the others that started this are still complaining and acting like children. I am glad to see some of my old coworkers and new faces and don't really understand what the big deal about numbers on a roster, seniority is not based on pay, as long as my salary is not affected I see no need for the division.

Without understanding the rules of what this course is teaching me I exercised the principles of utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics.

I think I handed it with clear judgement and motives it wasn't received they way I thought but it was understood and something good came as a result.


Mosser, K. (2013). Ethics and social responsibility(2nd ed.) [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu/