Homwork Assignment (for Tutor Nicole 3)


Paper B2- Organizational Policy to address an IT-related ethical issue that you wrote about in your matrix for the B1 assignment

Write an organizational policy to address the IT-related ethical workforce privacy issue that you described in Matrix B1, where you mapped key organizational issues and identified how these ethical issues were affected by laws, regulations, and policies.


The following elements must be addressed:


  1. Look at other policies to see how they are written. The following site provides examples of templates for policies but an Internet search provides other templates: http://www.sans.org/security-resources/policies/computer.php

  1. Your policy should include the following major headings:

  1. Overview of policy

  2. Purpose of the policy

  3. Scope (roles and responsibilities of stakeholders)

  4. Policy/Procedures to follow -  (Note: you should be aware that a policy only describes "what," the staff of an organization will do, while a procedure describes "how," the staff of an organization will accomplish a required action. As a result, this section should only discuss the specific measures, needs, or changes to behavior within the organization in terms of policy points, i.e., what they must do to conform to the policy. Any procedures that are needed to assist in doing the “what,” are usually included by reference later in the policy  procedures should not be included in the policy points).

  5. Sanctions/Enforcement

  1. Prepare a 3-5 page, double-spaced paper with your Organizational Policy.

  2. The assignment requires a minimum of three external references. Indicate appropriate APA reference citations for all sources you use.

Rubric Name: Paper B2


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Overview of Policy

1.5 points

The overview fully introduces the ethical issue and its facets described in Paper B1.

1.2 points

The overview partially introduces the ethical issue and its facets described in Paper B1

0.9 points

The overview introduces the ethical issue, and its facets described in Paper B1 in a cursory manner.

Purpose of Policy

2 points

The purpose of the policy is crystal clear and there should be no question why it was put in place.

1.6 points

The purpose of the policy could have been clearer and there are questions as to why it was put in place.

1.2 points

The purpose of the policy was not clear and there are questions regarding its applicability.

Scope (Roles and Responsibilities of Stakeholders)

2 points

The extent of the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders was fully defined.

1.6 points

The extent of the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders was partially defined.

1.2 points

The extent of the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders could have had better definition.


2 points

The policy/procedures or policy points placed in force at the organizational unit were fully described. 

1.6 points

The policy/procedures or policy points placed in force at the organizational unit were partially described. 

1.2 points

The policy/procedures or policy points placed in force at the organizational unit were cursorily identified.

Policy sanctions for non-compliance

2 points

The penalties of non-compliance with the policy were fully discussed.

1.6 points

The penalties of non-compliance with the policy were only partially discussed.

1.2 points

The penalties of non-compliance were briefly mentioned.

External Clickable References

1 point

A minimum of three or more outside references have been provided which are current, with clickable URLs provided.

0.8 points

Less than three outside references have been provided which are current, with clickable URLs provided.

0.6 points

No outside references were provided.

APA Compliance

1 point

Reference list and in-text citations were in full compliance with APA style requirements.

0.8 points

Reference list and in-text citations were in general compliance with APA style requirements

0.6 points

Reference list and in-text citations were not in compliance with APA style requirements.


0.5 points

Grammar, personal pronouns, contractions, spelling and punctuation correctly applied.

0.4 points

Few grammar, personal pronouns, contractions, spelling, or punctuation errors exist.

0.3 points

Numerous grammar, personal pronouns, contractions, and spelling errors.  Punctuation not correctly applied. Underline errors in MS Word not correct.

Overall Score

Level 1
12 or more

Level 2
8 or more

Level 3
0 or more