edit the democratic_leadership.docx to make it the same as the requirement

Objections to the Three New Arguments Against Democracy:

Short-Term-Imperative, Unlikely-Transition, and High-Threshold

STI – No organization is ever constrained to pursue short-term imperatives blindly, but always in balance with continued organizational wellbeing. This latter consideration keeps us in the corner of favoring democratic leadership.

UT – No one is entirely incapable of participating in democratic culture. It would be hard to find anyone who is alienated from every organization to which he belongs. To whatever degree he participates in any group life without being alienated, he is capable of participating in a culture of democratic leadership.

About those who are “not ready” for democracy: What is to be done with those folks but to prepare them for democracy, and how to do that but in a democratic manner. The organizational imperative is for all to be prepared for democratic culture, and that task cannot be accomplished undemocratically.

HT – Good things deserve the time it takes to be properly established. Sure, democracy runs awkwardly with a low threshold of initial acceptance, but taking the time to build that threshold is a much better option than settling for the other option, which will inevitably foster more and more alienation over time.