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More Arguments Against Democracy

Brian Skelly

Here are three more arguments against democratic leadership. These arguments may even have force assuming that democracy is in theory the best form of leadership.

The Short-Term-Imperative Argument

  1. Some organizations are compelled on a regular basis to pursue in a virtually exclusive manner short-term imperatives.

  2. Democratic leadership is not the leadership format most pursuant to short-term imperatives.

  3. Organizations ought to adopt a leadership format most pursuant to their imperatives.

C. Some organizations ought not adopt democratic leadership.

The High-Threshold-of-Initial-Acceptance Argument.

  1. Democratic leadership requires a high threshold of initial acceptance in order to be effective.

  2. It is sometimes unadvisable to adopt policies requiring high thresholds of initial acceptance.

C. Adopting democratic leadership is sometimes unadvisable.

The Unlikely Transition Argument

  1. No leadership format ought be adopted if the successful transition to it is unlikely.

  2. The successful transition from non-democratic to democratic leadership is unlikely.

  3. Some organizations have non-democratic leadership.

C. Some organizations ought not adopt democratic leadership.

Review: Reasons for democratic leadership (see other documents) -

  • the only way to establish and maintain effective two-way communication up and

down the hierarchy;

  • the only antidote to alienation, which is the bane of organizational life;

  • promotes the most accurate decision-making when functioning properly.

Review: Other Reasons against democratic leadership (see other documents) –

  • the necessity of secrecy; rebuttal: secrecy can be “representative” (i.e. democratic);

  • the dilution of expertise; rebuttal: no one is a moral expert; the range of expertise is so narrow that in a significant sense everyone is an expert;

  • it bogs down the decision-making process; rebuttal: accuracy is more important than speed;

  • tendency of decay to demagogy; rebuttal: demagogy is enabled by alienation, which is the opposite of democratic culture, which is a culture of universal ownership.