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Annotated bibliography

Student’s Name: Omar Allansari

Instructor: Dr.Jonathan Varhola

Date: February 13th, 2017


Park, Alice, and Alice Park. "Teens and Drugs: Rite of Passage or Recipe for Addiction?

The above publication in the TIME magazine contains data regarding the ever increasing numbers in substance abuse in teenagers. A study conducted in recent time’s shows that the percentage of high school students who have in any way abused a drug is more than 75%. These include illicit drugs, alcohol and tobacco. In the article, the author insists that over 90% of addiction cases was recorded for those who started using the drugs before the recommended age of eighteen years; this indicates that addiction later in one’s life is due to the early abuse of drugs, in their adulthood. Hence this publication is important to the topic since it lets us know how early substance abuse can affect the later years of a person and it also shows the drug abuse at a teen level hence more understanding. This article informs a lot of readers that what they choose in their teen years can affect their lives many years later.

O’Malley, P. M., Johnston, L. D., & G.Bachman, J. (1998). Alcohol Use among Adolescents.

Alcohol Health & Research World, 85-93.

Three University of Michigan PhD holders made a presentation on the factors which encourage adolescents to partake in alcohol abuse and the related behavioural outcomes. They recorded that male adolescents are more likely to report drinking than their female counterparts although by a small margin although the gender difference for one having to be drunk was higher. Alcohol prevalence is also higher among teenagers. The authors then came to a revelation that alcohol abuse had a close affiliation to the use of other drugs. On further research, on why adolescents drink, they found out that some use alcohol fun, like enjoying a great moment with friends due to alcohol’s great taste, its tension relieving ability and the ability to make you high. A small number was recorded to use alcohol to help them cope through hard situations.

White, W.L., Dennis, M. & Tims, F.M. (2002) Adolescent treatment: its history and current

Renaissance. Counselor.

Authors of this article retrieved from Counselor Magazine are worried that with the increase in adolescent drug abuse there comes great problems. These include emergency room admissions, drug-related deaths, arrests, treatment costs and incarceration rates. The authors studied drug and substance misuse and ways to treat it from the seventeen hundreds to the this day and they found out the following; adult treatment models became of little help or no use at all when used on adolescents. However in the last decade there have been great clinical advances under that department, hence a more developmentally suitable system of treatment with hopeful results came as a result. There is also a great anticipation of more future advances in the medical field.