School Project on Project


ITC Ltd: Toward a Triple Bottom Line Performance

Milestone One: Introduction
Frank Dzidula

Social Environment of Business

OL 326

March 24, 2017

ITC Ltd: Toward A Triple Bottom Line Performance


ITC LTD was acknowledged as Imperial Tobacco Company of India Limited joined on August 24th1910. Their organization becomes a multi-business portfolio incorporating an extensive variety of organizations. Quick moving purchaser merchandise (nourishments, claim to fame papers, lodgings, bundling, business and instructive innovation are the five noteworthy ranges of their portfolio. Tobacco was the establishment of the organization at the outset; six many years of development dedicated to it. In 2010 ITC propelled its new hand moved tobacco items to the Indian market, sold at higher end stores. In 2007 ITC's CEO tended to shareholders and expressed that the organization would seek after an intelligent way regardless of the possibility that the "advertise for goodness" might be frail. In 2008 ITC was perceived as a model in triple primary concern execution which is delivering financial, ecological, and social values along these lines adding to national advance.

Triple main concern performance is used to gauge an organization's commitment to assembling financial, social, and natural capital towards upgrading social maintainability. ITC trusts that in the vital setting of business, ventures have, past insignificant money related assets, the transformational ability to make diversion changing improvement models by unleashing their influence of entrepreneurial essentialness, advancement, and inventiveness. One of kind models is created to produce occupations and ecological capital. Corporate social duty undertakings, for example, these can deliver comes about that are adaptable, replicable, and economical. Every year an arrangement is submitted to the governing body for the year's corporate social duty arrange.

ITC depends on a few qualities while going on everyday business; the most grounded of all is the time the organization has been around (100 years) alongside a solid, experienced administration group. Their solid image nearness and broadened portfolio permit them to achieve an enormous dominant part of the populace with their items. Innovative work is likewise a solid suit; ITC has put a considerable measure of capital into offices to bolster these capacities. Even as extensive of a partnership as ITC is there are shortcomings which can abuse. ITC is to a great extent enterprise as ITC is there are shortcomings which can misuse. ITC is reliant on its tobacco incomes, yet government assets and world health organization puts weight on tobacco organizations to the point of confinement and decline generation because of wellbeing dangers, benefits can diminish. Measurements show that India has a high demise rate from tobacco items, driving individuals to quit using tobacco altogether. The rivalry has been cause a toll on business as they are putting forth less expensive choices than ITC is. The hotel business is one that ITC has attempted to increase important piece of the pie, as extreme and expanding rivalry is testing them (itcportal, n.d.).



csrworld. (2016, april 19). Introducing CSRworld. Retrieved from csrworld:

itcportal. (2016, april 19). Corporate Social Responsibility Policy. Retrieved from itcportal:

itcportal. (n.d.). Our Profile. Retrieved from itcportal: