Phyllis young


Semester 2 2016/17

Coursework 2 Tort Guidance Notes

The coursework question sheet has been posted in the assessment section of the module web. Please ensure you read it and follow all the instructions.

Administrative Guidance

The deadline for submission of this assessment is 23.55pm 7th April 2017 by electronic copy through the FINAL TURNITIN ICON on the 102SAM module web

If your TURNITIN score shows you have plagiarised your work (i.e. presented someone else’s words as your own) you will get 0% and may be excluded from the university.

Notes on how to avoid plagiarism can be found on Moodle

It is essential that your work is uploaded only in the following formats:

Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, PostScript, PDF, HTML, RTF, OpenOffice (ODT), Hangul (HWP), Google Docs (submitted via the Google Drive submission option), plain text files. If you submit in a format that is not listed above the system will be unable to open your work. This will mean that your work will not be marked and you will receive a mark of 0%.

Late submission without a deferral (even by 5 minutes) will be awarded 0%.

Deferral details are on the question sheet.

Non submission will mean you fail the module and are unable to resit.

This may prevent you from continuing your degree.

The word limit is 2,000 words and the acceptable length is between 1800 and 2200 words.

All of these conditions are applied without exception


Academic Guidance

The question does not ask you to write an essay on tort, it asks you to advise Simon on the liability owed to him under the tort of negligence in English Law.

Reference to the law relating to other countries should be avoided.

You can make use of bullet points if you wish but you must explain how and why the law is relevant.

The material that you need to cover is detailed under 2.2, 50 – 59% of the

assessment criterion on the question sheet posted on the module web and has been covered in lectures 11-14. This section also shows you how marks are allocated in this part of the assessment.

Additional reading has been provided on the seminar sheets posted on Moodle

Your advice to Simon will be a synopsis of the tort of negligence under UK law written in a formal and professional way avoiding slang and text speak.

Your advice should show 3 steps:-

what the law is

what the law means

why/how the law is relevant to Simon using cases to illustrate and support points made where appropriate.

Just stating the law is not enough for a good mark at undergraduate level.

You need to show that you understand and know how to apply the law.

The level of academic detail required and style to be adopted are as delivered in


Your advice should not make reference to any of the storylines in previous

seminars and should focus only on the coursework scenario

Time will be allocated in class for Q&A about the assessment but draft submissions will not be read

Your mark will be posted on Moodle


Your work should be completed using the correct referencing as per the Harvard Referencing Guide which can be found on the SSL skills portal under “referencing skills”.

If you want to reference the core reading the correct way to do this can be found at the end of each lecture slide.

If you want to reference something that was said in a lecture then this can be found on Page 29 of the full Harvard referencing guide.

If you reference law obtained from a case then you can either just put the case name in the body of your text eg Guthing v Lynn and then the full case reference in a table of cases at the end (which do not count towards the word count) eg Guthing v Lynn (1831) 2 B&AD 231 OR just put the full case citation in the body of your text eg Guthing v Lynn (1831) 2 B&AD 231. You must have the full case citation in your work somewhere (the date and letters and numbers that appear after the case name).