Effect of Cell Phone Use

Monica Virgili

Argosy University Online

Bowen, S. (2017, February 16). Using Cell Phones While Driving is as Bad as Drunk Driving. Retrieved from for-motorists

This resource talks about a new organization, FocusDriven, to make driving and talking on cell phone illegal just as drunk driving. This organization is taking the pattern from Mothers Against Drunk Driving, being a nonprofit group. The group has made it clear that all technology, including hand-free devices, to be enabled while driving a vehicle or engage a conversation while driving. FocusDriven wants to provide support to victims of distracted driving. This epidemic in talking and texting has grown in our society. FocusDriven wants to educate the public about talking, texting while driving a vehicle, the people who has died from those talking/texting should have never died, if the driver had been paying attention to the road.

Mourant, R. T.-J. (1999). 1 Divided Attention Ability Of Young and Older Drivers. Retrieved from

This resource is a study about divided attention task that measures the capability of drivers in use of in-vehicle Advanced Transportation Information System also known as (ATIS) researchers says that "ATIS is a two-edge sword" regarding to older drivers, those who are older, their experience has diminished in perceptual and cognitive abilities to use the vehicle displays. In this study are three displays showing a 32 degree to the right and an 18 degree down this is to have the driver looking straight ahead, making the divided attention time between stimuli a 1.0 second. Making younger drivers average at 76.8% correct and for the older drivers a 62% correct.

Olsson, S. &. (2017). Measuring Driver Visual Distraction with a Peripheral Dectection Task.

This resource is about the importance to evaluate in-vehicle systems for people to use while driving. The Peripheral Detection Task (PDT) is a measuring method for driver mental workload and visual distraction in the vehicles. 13 participants drove while performing different tasks such as changing the CD, changing channels on the radio. The PDT reaction time was significant different between different tasks, the worst was changing the CD. More research is needed in PDT for a wider range of driving with different tasks. There was a study with 13 subjects, between the ages of 24-44 years, all had a valid driver’s license for 4 and 26 year, 6 wore glasses, only 11 subjects completed the study for the analysis.

Redelmeier M.D, D. A. (1997, February 13). The New England Journal of Medicine. Association Between Cellular- Telephone Calls and Motor Vehicle Collisions, 336(7). doi:10.1056/NEJM199702133360701

With the New England Journal of Medicine as a resource this was about cellular phones while driving causes collisions. In a 14-month study, 26,798 cellular calls were made amongst 699 drivers, the day of the collision when the drivers used their cell phones the risk was four times higher. Regulation of cell phone need to take in account for the technology and the role of everyone’s responsibility, each was different in the individuals due to personalities. There are 8 different methods of study’s that were conducted, the end results were 742 participated in the study and 231 were received by cell phone calls, within 5 minutes of the call a collision event had happened. The regulation is controversial, showing that stress and those who use a cell phone are at increased risk for a collision, and should consider road-safety precautions.

Schmitz, J. P.-G. (2017, March 28). Cell phone ban for drivers is focus of new group. Its 5 leaders all lost loved ones in crashes. Retrieved from

This resource also talk about the FocusDriven organization that has modeled after MADD organization. There wasn't any study committed on this article, it focusses on how the cellphone needs to be banned for drivers.

World Health Organization. (2011). Mobile phone use. a growing problem of driver distraction.

Retrieved from

This resource World Health Organization (WHO) is a very helpful piece of material, this resource talks about everything from Defining driver distraction to Interventions to address mobile phone use while driving. While the technology of cellphones is evolving, even the hand-free devices are dangerous as well, findings of this development are showing high-risk of impacts with the vehicles involved. There weren’t any studies performed in this booklet it does talk about the "primarily on the distraction resulting from mobile phone use, technological systems within vehicles can also be used to protect against distraction". This would be a great reference to have.