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Running head: INTERNET OF THINGS 1

Internet of Things

Internet of Things (IoT)

Ideation Process

Innovation technology is mainly concerned with the introduction of a new idea into the market. Any basic innovation technology has an ideation process as its basis. Ideation becomes the most basic step. During this stage, a thought is generated. From this thought, an idea is analyzed and provided. The analysis process is done purposefully to determine the feasibility of the implementation of the developed idea. Analysis also establishes the market demand of the idea that has been developed. It determines the possible profit, and this such of an idea would bring to the organization upon its implementation. This explanation will be discussed on the aspect of a new technology known as Internet of Things, which was designed with a main reason of providing internet faculties to all locations on the surface of the earth on each scale.

When an analysis has been completed, what follows afterwards is the aspect of idea implementation. Implementation of the idea is always followed by the testing of the idea (Gubbi et al., 2013). Here, the idea is tested for its validity to be established. The validity here is trying to answer the question of whether the idea is trying to answer the problem that led to its establishment and implementation. Validity also gives the corrections and accuracy on the assessment of the set system. In case the assessment gives the right thing that the set idea was meant to provide, then the idea is valued and worth to be used in the market. If a contrary occurs, then it becomes advisable for the idea to be scripted. Every system needs to pass the validity test for it to be reliable, although some experts argues that not all valid systems are reliable.

Alternative Solutions

Most cases of the idealization process require alternatives to limit any possible risk or loss. Sometimes, it is evident that the innovative idea may bring some critical challenges in the implementation process. Some aspects that should be considered in the process include budget, and other critical resources that are required in the implementation process. For instance, the IoT can be used to supply internet connectivity in case the other alternative fails or vice versa. It is recommended that any form of learning and research should be done to control any possible discrepancies in the IoT technology. Any other technology can be implemented if it depicts the same functionality as the one described by the IoT.


The IoT refers to ever-growing technology that provides IP addresses to all objects and substances that one may imagine associating with. The assigned objects can promote communication amongst themselves. This technology tries to improve communication among individuals on a large scale by using the internet. The data grouping as well as digitizing the concept of IoT, calls for construction of four core basic models (Tukker et al., 2013). Namely, extend, manage, monetize and finally operate. These named models are the most common models that can be applied in the four internets. Any business should not believe that IoT has control over the four named basic models. For example, one should pay for usage of a model to function such services.

Some benefits of IoT is that it does not look at the size of an organization when providing its services. Internet of Things has improved efficiency at the workplace. It promotes rapid business improvement since it promotes effective advertising of its products. It promotes easy access of the business tools since they can be accessed from anywhere. But of course, whenever there are benefits, there are always some concerns. In this case, securities management in IoT with advancement in technology, the security issue has become the most critical concern. It is the one of the main factors that makes some businesses from accepting the use of IoT on their premises. Some of the security risk factor originates from authentication, access management and risk virtualization which could consist of identity and record management. IoT is trying to provide quick notifications for the internet service providers and content services providers. The named modification tends to present an aspect of data leakage, a fact that may lead to privacy compromising and thus insecurity. Distributed and outsourcing on the other hand can cause risk to the information security (Feki et al., 2013).


Several companies have linked themselves to the Internet of Things, and the list will expand in the upcoming years. Some companies that standout that are currently using IoT are Apple, AT&T, Amazon, Fitbit, Google, Garmin, Microsoft, and T-Mobile just to name a few common ones. IoT can be considered one of the most intriguing platforms when it comes to developing smart technology to make our lives more efficient.


Feki, M. A., Kawsar, F., Boussard, M., & Trappeniers, L. (2013). The internet of things: the next technological revolution. Computer, 46(2), 24-25.

Gubbi, J., Buyya, R., Marusic, S., & Palaniswami, M. (2013). Internet of Things (IoT): A vision, architectural elements, and future directions. Future generation computer systems, 29(7), 1645-1660.

Tukker, A., de Koning, A., Wood, R., Hawkins, T., Lutter, S., Acosta, J., & Kuenen, J. (2013). EXIOPOL–development and illustrative analyses of a detailed global MR EE SUT/IOT. Economic Systems Research, 25(1), 50-70.