I want you to write a memo or a report for the excel work that I already did for finance class

Check numbers and writeup


Analysis of the Example

To analyze the project the following assignments and questions must be completed and answered by students:

  1. Construct a pro-forma statement of cash flows through 2029 for the most likely scenario and determine the NPV from both the project and parent perspective for each of the three future exchange rate estimates using the most likely values for each of the variables provided in the exercise. Would you accept the project? Why?

  2. Apply the proper distributions to your random variables and conduct a Monte Carlo simulation. Forecast the NPV from both the parent and project perspective for each of the three future exchange rate estimates. Would you change your decision to accept/reject the project? Why? What are the most important factors influencing your decision?

Grading Rubric


Fails to Meet Expectations

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations

Assumptions defined

More than two assumptions are defined incorrectly with appropriate distributions and correlations

No more than two assumptions are defined incorrectly with appropriate distributions and correlations

All assumptions are defined correctly with appropriate distributions, correlations, and naming

Forecasts defined

More than one forecast is defined incorrectly or with inappropriate naming

No more than one forecast is defined incorrectly with appropriate naming

All forecasts are defined correctly with appropriate naming

Project cash flow estimates

Model determines cash flows in project currency outside of 2% of expected values

Model determines cash flows in project currency within 2% of expected values

Model exactly determines cash flows in project currency

Exchange rate projections

More than one exchange rate is incorrectly determined

No more than one exchange rate is incorrectly determined

All exchange rates are computed correctly

Parent cash flow estimates

Model determines cash flows in parent currency outside of 2% of expected values

Model determines cash flows in parent currency within 2% of expected values

Model exactly determines cash flows in parent currency

NPV Estimates

NPV from parent and project perspective are computed outside of 2% of expected values

NPV from parent and project perspective are computed within 2% of expected values

NPV from parent and project perspective computed exactly

Dynamic model

Model is dynamic with formulas applying values from assumption section with more than two errors

Model is dynamic with formulas applying values from assumption section with no more than two errors

Model is dynamic with formulas correctly applying values from assumption section

Simulation run

Simulation fails to run correctly with no errors

Simulation runs correctly with no errors

Simulation runs correctly with no errors and efficient run time


Electronic version of spreadsheet does not include only one sheet containing base case scenario set to run simulation. The model is difficult to follow the model and/or all assumptions not clearly labeled or identified

Electronic version of spreadsheet includes only one sheet containing base case scenario set to run simulation. All assumptions and forecasts clearly labeled and easily identified.

Electronic version of spreadsheet includes only one sheet containing base case scenario set to run simulation. Model is easy to follow with all assumptions and forecasts clearly labeled and easily identified.

Certainty measures

Forecasts fail to utilize certainty to highlight probability of project capturing value for relevant forecasted variables

Forecasts utilize certainty to highlight probability of project capturing value for relevant forecasted variables

Forecasts utilize certainty to highlight probability of project capturing value for all forecasted variables

Forecasting methods explained

Fails to explain the various spot rate forecasting methods

Explains the various spot rate forecasting methods

Explains the various spot rate forecasting methods and identifies scenarios in which each forecasting method is appropriate

Forecasting method selected

Fails to correctly identify the most appropriate forecasting method

Correctly identifies the most appropriate forecasting method

Correctly identifies the most appropriate forecasting method and clearly explains why other forecasting methods are inappropriate

Currency risk

Fails to compare NPV from parent and project perspective and does not describe the impact of currency risk on the project

Compares NPV from parent and project perspective and correctly describes the impact of currency risk on the project

Compares NPV from parent and project perspective and thoroughly describes the impact of currency risk on the project

Decision based on Monte Carlo results

Provides an incomplete explanation of capital budgeting decision based on Monte Carlo results

Provides a brief explanation of capital budgeting decision based on Monte Carlo results

Provides a detailed explanation of capital budgeting decision based on Monte Carlo results

Risk description

Inadequate analysis of forecasts and/or incomplete description of riskiness of capital budgeting project

Analyzes forecasts and provides a brief description of riskiness of capital budgeting project

Thoroughly analyzes forecasts and provides a complete description of riskiness of capital budgeting project

Range as a measure of risk

Fails to evaluate minimum and maximum values from Monte Carlo simulation to compute range or does not discuss risk

Evaluates minimum and maximum values from Monte Carlo simulation to compute range and discusses risk

Evaluates minimum and maximum values from Monte Carlo simulation to compute range and thoroughly discusses risk

Sensitivity analysis

Fails to examine sensitivity analysis and/or inadequate explanation of expected managerial actions

Examines sensitivity analysis along with a brief explanation of expected managerial actions

Thoroughly examines sensitivity analysis along with a complete explanation of expected managerial actions

Key assumptions

Incomplete information provided on key assumptions in the model

Provides basic information on key assumptions in the model

Provides complete information on key assumptions in the model

Information integrated

Fails to integrate information from report into body of the answer

Integrates information from report into body of the answer

Efficiently integrates information from report into body of the answer


Incorrectly interprets the results to make capital budgeting decision

Correctly interprets the results to make capital budgeting decision.

Thoroughly evaluates the use of NPV in making capital budgeting decisions along with correctly interpreting the results to make capital budgeting decision

Name: Date: Grade:


Points Possible



Fails to Meet Expectations


Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations


Assumptions defined

Forecasts defined

Project cash flow estimates

Exchange rate projections

Parent cash flow estimates

NPV Estimates

Dynamic model

Simulation run


Certainty measures

Forecasting methods explained

Forecasting method selected

Currency risk

Decision based on Monte Carlo results

Risk description

Range as a measure of risk

Sensitivity analysis

Key assumptions

Information integrated

