Ordering systems continued...

Jerry Murphy

Sanford Brown



Project Description 3

Use Case 4

Three C’s online store use case diagram 6

Three C’s online store Class Diagram 7

Class Diagram 8

References 10

Project Description

Three C's is an international company that has stores in more than 20 countries. In a bid to enhance their sales and be able to reach more people from all over the world, the management has decided to embrace technology by introducing an online store. Since they majorly deal with electronic products, having an online store is a plus given their shipment is not that cumbersome. The development of an online store will not only enhance its yearly returns but will also cement its reputation as a global brand. Additionally, being automated, an online store will guarantee availability throughout, and clients can place their order any time they need a given item. It will also lower the marketing cost due to its online presence (How An Online Store Benefits Your Business, 2017).

Once developed, the online store will allow users to create accounts, view available products, purchase these products and maintain a list of already made orders that need shipment (delivery) to their clients. If a new user accesses the system, he or she can view the available products, conduct the company's sale representatives and refer friends to the store. However, a user who is new to the system will have to register, by providing his personal information (valid). Once the user has registered, he will confirm his account and proceed to log into it. Having an online account means, the user will be in a position to make orders and provide payment details that will be used to pay. Once the order has been delivered, it will be removed from the system.

Use Case

A use case diagram comprises of elements used to represent different entities of a given business (UML Use Case Diagram Symbols, 2017). Below are symbols use and their usage:

- represents role played by users or other systems

- Steps that defines interactions between users and the system

- represents system’s scope

- depicts relations between different elements

In the use case diagram, we represent a user who is already registered. These users will be able to view available orders, add to cart the items they want to buy, manage their cart by either adding more items or deleting already existing ones and finally purchasing the items in the cart. Actors in the use case include the potential client (buyer), system administrator, credit payment management system and a porter. The customer can create order and payment entry, update his or her payment entry, view order and payment entry and delete it (cart management). The system administrator will be able to view items, view purchases made, add more inventory, and view and update on delivered goods. The credit payment management system allows the user to process their payments before the order has been finalized. The payment option would include PayPal and credit cards. Once the order has been completed, it is stored where the system administrator can view the placed orders. The porter's work is to deliver orders to the client. He works under the supervision of the system administrator, delivering ordered goods while updating details of the already delivered orders.

Three C’s online store use case diagram

Ordering systems continued... 1

Figure 1

Three C’s online store Class Diagram

A class diagram depicts how different classes of the system interacts. It not only helps in describing different spect of the system but also documents the system. It highlights the attributes of a system and their operations with each having its own attributes and process. With an object oriented approach, a class diagram plays a critical role in the development of an application. It tries to arrive at a solution by dividing the whole program into simpler modules (classes). In a nutshell, ehat the class diagram does is analize and design the static view of an application, elaborate the responsibilities of different parts of the system, help in reverse and forward engineering and provide a base for deployment diagrams (UML - Class Diagram, 2017).

While drawing a class diagram the following is usually considered;

  • A meaningful name for class diagram(the name should be descriptive).

  • The elements should be clearly identified and their relationships.

  • Attributes and methods of each class should be identified.

  • Before finalizing it, several sketches should be drawn.

Class Diagram

Ordering systems continued... 2

Figure 2

In our class we have seven classes. These are customer, porter, administrator, cart, orders, shipping info, and order details. The customer class has several attributes and methods such as login and updatePtofiles. The porter has properties such as name, email address and processes viewShippingInfo. Similarly, all the defined classes have at least one attribute and one method. The relationship between these classes is defined by used of links that elaborates a one to one relationship or one to many relationship.


How An Online Store Benefits Your Business. (2017, April 5). Retrieved from Yell Business: https://business.yell.com/knowledge/what-are-the-benefits-of-an-online-store-for-businesses/

UML - Class Diagram. (2017, 4 9). Retrieved from tutorialspoint: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/uml/uml_class_diagram.htm

UML Use Case Diagram Symbols. (2017, April 5). Retrieved from Edraw: https://www.edrawsoft.com/uml-usecase-symbols.php