phase 2

In this two-phased final assignment, students will select a topic from the Unique Ethical Issues from weeks 3, 5, and 7, research the topic and discuss the ethical dilemma in detail.

Topic: Ethics in the Workplace

In different office setups, there are numerous issues that arise which are unethical. One of the most common occurrences is where people in power misuse their power for them to be able to gain an advantage within the company by using their power to manipulate a process. There are common reports of people in high positions within organizations vouching for people whom they have an affiliation with to get a position within the organization despite the people in question not being fully qualified for the positions. This leads to people who are qualified lacking opportunities to put their skills into play as well as the chosen individuals in the long run hindering productivity for the company due to them lacking adequate skills to handle the tasks they are assigned to.

This issue can be tackled form a deontologist point of view where a person in power has some sort of obligation to help the person they are affiliated with. There are expectations of people within powerful positions of society that they will help other members of society to be able to advance and that the entire society can see growth and forward propulsion.

This issue can also be tackled from a utilitarian point of view where in helping out a member or several members of society to be abl3 to make a forward steep, the community benefits generally. The utilitarian model is geared towards pleasing a greater number of individuals with the few remaining being expected to compel to the majority rule of benefit.

Also, an egoistic approach can be applied where the individual in power by helping out an individual they are affiliated with they have a personal benefit of being perceived by the larger society as a helpful and reliable person (Johnson, 2007).


Johnson, C. E. (2007). Ethics in the workplace: Tools and tactics for organizational transformation. Sage Publications.