Proposal continuation






Challenges in Diversity

Gender balance in workplace will improve the productivity of workers

Research background

In many workplaces, there is the imbalance in the gender. In most cases, you will find that the number of males in a particular workplace is more than the number of females in that workplace. This has contributed to the low productivity of workers. The times when there used to be the division of labor is gone. When ladies used to be doing their activities different from males. At this era, there should be gender balance for the production level to increase.

At this particular era, there should be no division of labor or allocation of jobs based on the gender. There should be the equal allocation of opportunities available to both males and females. Having balanced gender encourages the workers to remain focused and aim in achieving the target set.

Problem statement

The imbalance in the workplace has caused a lot of irritation in the production level and the individual employee output. Therefore having balanced gender in workplaces will increase their production level as well as overall production level. Not only the production will be affected positively, but all personal etiquette will improve positively.

Aims and objectives

  • To reduce the problem of gender imbalance.

  • To increase the productivity and individual performance.

  • To reduce the problem of gender-based violence in the workplace.

  • To change the old perception of the division of labor according to sex.

  • To show the importance of gender balance in the workplace.

Importance of gender balance

When there is gender balance, it means there will be no any sidelining with any gender. The gender balance in the workplace will help in making good sense decision. In a company where there are males only, the shape and the culture of the company are not one of the best. With the gender balance in the company, it means that the shape and the company culture will be maintained. For successful activities in any workplace, there should be a good culture that will be brought about by the gender balance.

Scope of gender balance in a workplace

Workplace gender equality is achieved when people can access and enjoy the same rewards, resources, and opportunities regardless of gender. Gender balance will also be achieved if the employees earn the same amount of reward. The gender balance will be achieved if there will be the removal of barriers to the full and equal participation of women in the workforce. Achieving the gender equality is important to form workplaces not only because it is fair and the right thing to do but because it is also linked to a country's overall economic performance.

Literature review

Gender imbalance is a term used to describe the discrimination that is there when it comes to deal with both females and the males. The issue of gender inequality has been addressed in many places starting from schools to even workplaces. It is an issue if not well handled, it will make the performance, and the productivity of employees go down. The problem can be solved if there is equal representation of gender when it comes to activities. Also recruiting the same number of both sex will help in curbing the problem especially when it comes to working places. Achieving the gender balance will be the key to success and achievement.


Conclusion : Education, Law and Diversity—Goals and Challenges. (n.d.). Education, Law and Diversity. doi:10.5040/

Matemba, L. (2007). Diversity Challenges in Community Research and Action. Diversity in Africa, 238-261. doi:10.1057/9780230627536_15

Police Chief Perspectives: Diversity Challenges. (n.d.). doi:10.4135/9781506372570

Conclusion : Education, Law and Diversity—Goals and Challenges. (n.d.). Education, Law and Diversity. doi:10.5040/

Exploiting Microbial Diversity: The Challenges and the Means. (n.d.). SpringerReference. doi:10.1007/springerreference_168177

Matemba, L. (2007). Diversity Challenges in Community Research and Action. Diversity in Africa, 238-261. doi:10.1057/9780230627536_15

Police Chief Perspectives: Diversity Challenges. (n.d.). doi:10.4135/9781506372570