
Fieldwork Project Instructions Fieldwork Project (25 points): This assignment gives you the opportunity to explore a topic of interest, synthesizing your learning for the entire class:  • articulating the roles and functions of music in world cultures • using the medium of music to explore intercultural relationships • consciously defining musical perspectives • identifying key features that define various genres of world music.  Plan and carry out a Fieldwork Project in the tradition of ethnomusicology. The subject of your Fieldwork Project could be anything from a colleague who plays acoustic guitar in a military unit to a local high school band or church choir. Your project must include a live listening experience and the opportunity to speak with musicians.

In preparation for your project, read "Doing Musical Ethnography," by Jeff Titon, posted as an eReserve under Course Resources.

 You will find detailed information on: • selecting a subject: some practical suggestions • collecting information • gaming entry • selecting a topic • library and Internet research • participation and observation • ethics • field gear • interviewing • other means of collecting information • finishing the project When choosing a topic, Titon's best advice is to "choose something you are interested in and have access to."  Carry out your Fieldwork Project during Weeks 5-8 by completing these 4 steps, which are to be submitted and graded as separate assignments each week. • Choose your topic and find a live listening opportunity : During Week 5, choose your topic and find a live listening opportunity to hear and observe musicians participating in the music culture you have chosen. Secure permission to participate in music making or participate as an active observer.

Confirm that you will be able to speak with at least one of the musicians. • Research Questions : During Week 6, think of at least three research questions relating to the music culture that you want to explore. Reflect on these questions. To guide your reflections on these questions, compile source information on your subject through library and Internet research, documenting three of the best library sources (these may be in the form of eBooks and articles from Page 1 of 2 MUSC 210 7980 Music as Cultural Expression (2172) -MUSC 210 7980 Music as Cultur ... 4/ 11/ 2017 https://learn.umuc.edu/d2l/le/content/195655/printsyllabus/PrintSyllabus the UMUC Library) and three of the best web-based sources. Visit the UMUC Library " How Do I Evaluate What I Find? " page for information on locating articles and books and evaluating web resources. Write 2-3 paragraphs in response to each question. Locate and include images, listening examples, or videos to illustrate your reflections. • Interview Questions: During Week 7, prepare a list of at least 3 questions to ask the musicians you are observing or joining with to participate in music making. Think of open-ended questions that will encourage the musicians to share significant information about their experiences making music.

Include detailed information on your preparations for compiling your observations as a participant or observer. • Final Report : During Week 8, compile the final version of your Fieldwork Project, writing a 5-7 page (double-spaced, 12 point font with 1” margins all around) report of your fieldwork experience, including the following 4 sections: 1. A list of the 3 research questions you explored during your project, with your written reflections on those questions and supporting images, listening examples or videos. 2. A record of your observations as a participant or observer in live music making. 3. A transcript of an interview with a person participating in the music culture you explored with at least 3 questions and answers. 4. A bibliography of 3 library and 3 Internet sources you consulted for background knowledge of the music culture you explored, using the reference format for your major (APA, Chicago/Turabian, etc). Post the final version of your Fieldwork Project in the discussion area, also posting substantive responses to the Fieldwork Projects of at least 2 classmates. Posting the complete version of your project (including substantive responses to 2 classmates) is worth 10 out of the total 25 points. You will already have earned up to 15 points for the preparatory Fieldwork assignments submitted during Weeks 5, 6, and 7.

Initial discussion posts are due by Thursday at 11:59PM Eastern Time  and at least two responses to classmates are expected by the end of the week on Sunday by 11:59PM Eastern Time.

Please see the  grading rubric to learn how to earn the full 25 points for the Fieldwork Project. Page 2 of 2 MUSC 210 7980 Music as Cultural Expression (2172) -MUSC 210 7980 Music as Cultur ... 4/ 11/ 2017 https://learn.umuc.edu/d2l/le/content/195655/printsyllabus/PrintSyllabus