5 takeaways in 5 paragraphs

These are just examples from the previous class not for this week class to know how the takeaways look like.

Example 1:

After reading, “Location Analytics: Bringing Geography Back”, I thought it was interesting Simon Thompson and Renee Boucher Ferguson brought up the privacy component among businesses and consumers.  There is a lot of good that can come from data mining of social media, but it still seems a little dangerous.  It can become intrusive, and that’s where companies need to be careful.  It is incredible the number of patterns, and trend predictions that can be discovered using geospatial technology. 

                After reading, “What is GIS?” I think it is imperative that businesses of all kinds stay in tuned to a geographic information system (GIS).  GIS helps answer questions by uniting data from multiple sources on a map.  This type of information may lead benefit companies and organizations entirely.  The information can be used to save on costs, make better decisions, increase communication, ease geographic management, and enhance geographic records. 

                I thought it was noteworthy from, “Location Analytics: Bringing Geography Back”, that social media is the ultimate data source.  Its crowd sourced, and I found it interesting that the article discussed social media being tested to as the definitive answer to what is thought to be known using intelligent guess work.  I notice on in my own feed friends posting questions, doing their own crowd sourcing, usually to get the best bang for their buck, or best service locally.

                In past classes, I have made numerous bar graphs, and other charts demonstrating information that I wanted to display.  The chart usually supplemented contextual information making it easier for the reader to connect the text to real numbers or statistics.  I find it very interesting the power of a good visual presentation, and how only a few brief seconds is all that is needed to transmit the intended information.  The unemployment rates of the United States over the years in our first class was a great example of how viewers get the point, and don’t have to analyze a chart or figure out a legend.    

              I found the article, “Mapping the Future” by FastCo Works very thought-provoking as the growth rate of technology continues to expand.  I thought it was interesting that Esri spends five times more on research and development than Apple, at 27% of their total revenue.  Huge amounts of data can now be analyzed and mapped to answer questions quicker than ever before.

Example 2:

After reading “Location Analytics: Bringing Geography Back” by Simon Thompson I began to think a lot about what goes into finding the location for a new store. Thompson had given an example of how a pharmacy could use customer and location analysis to determine the best location for a new store. “I can use location analytics to understand the traffic flows and demographics, I can analyze the population and make predictions about prescription medicine”. Being able to analyze potential customer habits can be very beneficial to determine the right location. This got me thinking about my hometown and the location of a specific store. The neighborhood that I live in is quite large, very spread out; it can take about 20 minutes to get from the ‘beginning’ to some of the houses deeper in the neighborhood. The location of this store compared to the next nearest store is an additional 10 minutes of driving. Our store is pretty overpriced and I think this is because the owners know that most people in our neighborhood would rather spend a few extra dollars, than have a longer drive just to go to a store with better prices. This shows that the owners must have used some type of GIS to find their location.

            Looking at the Forbes’ “American Migration; Interactive Map”, it was really interesting to see how people migrated from different counties during different years. When I clicked on Los Angeles I could see how many people moved out of and into the Los Angeles county. I was also able to view the in-bound and out-bound income per capita within Los Angeles. When comparing the in-bound income from the years 2007 to 2010 it steadily decreased $3,900 within those four years. I would have to think the reason for this is because of the 2008 recession.

            In the article “Mapping The Future” by Fastco Works, the author discusses Esri’s maps which are being used by many successful businesses to find the right locations for their new stores. One very successful business mentioned was Starbucks. By using Esri’s maps Starbucks has been very successful at developing and sustaining stores all over the world. “Large retailers like Starbucks are using GIS to do site selection with machine learning. With this technology, they can lay out their existing successes on the map, overlay that with other layers of geographic data, then perform advanced statistical analysis that can guide them toward the most strategic places to locate new stores”. Anywhere from airports, to downtowns, to busy shopping malls, Starbucks is one of the leading companies at being able to develop and maintain profit in over 62 countries around the world. Part of this success comes from being able to find the right store location, which is being found using GIS.

            I found the “What is GIS” article interesting because it went into detail about all the different businesses that use GIS in everyday activities. For example, I never would have thought that GIS would have been used by the military to help find safe locations to deploy troops and transfer equipment/materials, or that GIS was used by search and rescue teams when faced with a natural disaster. It was also surprising to see organizations like Homeland Security and law enforcement use these tools; I would have thought mainly environmental conservationist and retail suppliers would be using GIS.

            While reading about Duarte’s slidedocs it was interesting to read about how this way of presenting material is more beneficial than the standard PowerPoint slide when you graphically want to share information. The author made a good point of stating that “people learn concepts better when they see pictures combined with prose”. This makes sense because if you are trying to describe aspects of a map of chart to someone you want a combination of the words and the visuals together to help display the information as a whole.