Management Question (Reserved for HIFSA)

CPA Chapter 11

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First Name:

1. Define discrimination and affirmative action.

2. What are the three primary ways human resource management is changing?

3. One HR manager recently got a thank-you note on her iPhone that said “Thx 4 the Iview! Wud ♥ to wrk 4 u!!!” The manager had liked the candidate in the interview, but after getting this note, she put him in the reject pile. Do you think it was fair for the manager to reject the candidate so automatically? Should “textspeak” be considered acceptable workplace communication? Discuss.

4. What are the three primary goals of human resource management (HRM)?

5. The legal, social, and regulatory environment is constantly changing, and an organization's HR needs must be managed within that context. Based on the relevant laws you studied in the text, identify two changes in social trends and values in the United States and the resultant federal legislation or lack there of that affects the workplace.

6. Explain the Americans with Disabilities Act. Be specific in how you define a disability.

After the article Ban the Box in attachment and answer the following question.

7. Do you support Ban the Box? Why or why not? If you are having trouble picking one side, address that as well. Please have well thought out responses with a focus on the employer as well as the employee.

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