4 computer assignments

Common-Sense Tips to Creating a Greener Lifestyle

GO green! That saying is everywhere. You hear it on the radio, on the TV, and in conversations overheard at the coffee shop. You see it in the newspaper, on the Web, and on your grocery bags. But how can you “go green”? Here are a few practical and common-sense to help you get started. Remember, every little step you take to “go green” helps make the world a greener place.

At home…

Turn off the lights! When you are not in a room be sure the lights are off.

Turn down the heat and wear an extra layer in the house to conserve energy, or turn up the air-conditioner to keep it less cool in your home.

Upgrade to energy efficient appliances when you need to replace them.

Use rechargeable batteries.

Use eco-friendly light bulbs.

Wash your clothes using cold water and only when you have a full load.

Try not to use appliances during peak usage hours, usually from 8 am to 7 pm.

Dry clothes outside on a clothesline, or on a drying rack in your house.

Pay bills electronically to reduce waste.

Use a water filter instead of bottled water.

Limit the amount of water you use when you shower or bathe.

Use cloth napkins instead of paper napkins.

Earth eco-friendly cleaning products.

At work…

Car pool or take public transportation if possible to work.

Be sure lights are on off when you leave your office or conference room.

Create a paperless work environment by doing as much work electronically as possible.

Use recycled paper for all your printing needs and print on both sides of a piece of paper to reduce consumption.

Consider buying recycled office supplies, such as ink cartridges, pens, and furniture.

Take your lunch in reusable containers – this not only helps the environment, but also saves money and encourages a healthier you.

Donate electronic equipment that is still usable or recycle equipment that is outdated. Caution: Be sure all personal and sensitive data is removed permanently before disposing of any electronic equipment.

You can make the world a greener place! Just remember




In your community…

Patronize businesses that follow green practices, such as dry cleaners that have a reusable bag you can use for your clothes rather than the plastic clothes.

Use canvas bags for all your grocery needs.

Call city hall and ask for information about the city-wide recycling program, then participate fully.

Subscribe to newspapers and magazines online.

Donate books to a local charity for fund-raising purposes or to resale shops for reuse.

While on the go…

Walk, ride a bike, or use public transportation whenever possible.

Upgrade to an energy efficiant car the next time you need to replace your car.

At hotels, reuse your towels and sheets, and use all of the contents of small amenities, such as shampoo, before opening a new bottle.

Carry a reusable water bottle with you.

Additional Resources…

Greendale Public Library is proud to present noted environmentalist C. J. Clover

C. J. Clover will kick off our season of Go Green Lectures on Sunday, January 31st, at 1:00 in the Fireside Lounge. From 1:00 until 1:45 she will present a slide presentation featuring her behind the scene role in the new documentary “The Blue Planet: Then and Now”. Starting at 2:00, she will share tips on Living Green.

Her new book Why Go Green? is currently available at the library. It is a book filled with data, tips, and humor. A must read for anyone who cares out our planet. Copies will be available the day of the lecture. You can have a copy signed after the lecture, starting at 3:00.

To reserve your spot:

Call: (710) 555-3182

Email: greendalepl.org

Subject line: go green reservation

Message: type your name, your library card number, and the and the number of people in your reservation

Other Upcoming Programs

This Green Planet

World traveler and well-known blogger Mary Happ shares best practices she has observed for Living Green on her world travels. Her travelogue will focus on how communities around the world have committed to living green. You will leave inspired by the efforts around the world to make our blue planet a little greener. Learn how you can get involved in a worldwide effort to “Go Green”.

Thursday, February 10, 7:00 Oak room

Living Green!

Best-selling author Janis Redcliff will tickle your imagination with tips on how to not only make a commitment to Live Green but also stick with your resolution. Her presentation is full of practical everyday tips that you can easily incorporate into your lifestyle. Come and pick up some tips on how to Live Green and be prepared to share some ways that you already do. Everyone present can learn from you, too.

Tuesday, April 3, 1:00 Berens Hall

Kids - Eating Green

Renowned restaurant owner Bev Sedar shares her insights into using only locally-grown and organic products in her restaurant. She provides a wide range of recipes to help kids learn to love their vegetables. . She shares tips on how to start your own hydroponic garden, how to compost, and how to eat green and love it!

Saturday, May 8, 10:00 Children’s Lounge




Join us

for our new Go Green series.

Learn to reuse, reduce, recycle at the Greendale Public Library!

This file created specifically for Nelly Delessy-Gassant