342 (7) Project Power Point

Running head: Malware Removal Tool Selection


Malware is risky to a computer with it compromising a user’s data security among other threats against them as well as it being annoying. Malware can lead to different situations affecting a user such as compromising their data or in some cases leading to annoying pop-up adverts showing up during system interaction. To protect a user from data security issues, there is need for selection of an appropriate malware removal tool. Different tools are available in the market however there is need for a user to select an appropriate and effective tool to guarantee full protection (Dai et al., 2009).

Selection Criteria

  1. Cost – in selection of a malware removal tool, it is important for users to select a tool depending on the amount of money they are willing to spend. Different tools in the market with them being variant by manufacturing company, their offerings and other factors determine their price. There are numerous tools which are free however do not guarantee full system security. Also, in selection of a paid software tool, there is need for analysis of the value for money received in terms of a software being able to perform more than one function. Also, there is need to analyze whether software bought is one off or requires a continuous subscription payment for continuous support.

  2. Additional features of the malware removal tool – different malware removal tools have different offerings aside removal of malware. There is need to select a tool which gives overall security as compared to tools which only give protection from malware. An appropriate tool should offer protection from viruses and other forms of attacks on computer systems (Dai et al., 2009).

  3. Support – different software tools despite being available do not offer continued support. The importance of continued support is for continued updates and definitions to be sent to the application periodically to update databases on new threats to data and how to prevent their occurrence. Software which has continued support and updates is best recommended for installation to protect against malware.

  4. Multiplatform support – there is need for a software tool to be available for use within different platforms for use such as Windows and BSD based platforms. Having a software which is cross-platform is effective for use so that even if a user changes platforms for operation they can receive continued protection from malware and other related attacks (Dai et al., 2009).


In selection of an appropriate tool for malware removal, there is need for the above-mentioned factors to be deeply analyzed. The purpose for this is so that a client can get an effective solution for protection against malware and other threats to computer security at a friendly price as well as them receiving continuous support and updates to ensure they remain protected from threats at all times. Having a software which meets most of the identified criteria sufficiently makes it reliable for installation and use for protection from data risks.


Dai, J., Guha, R. K., & Lee, J. (2009). Efficient Virus Detection Using Dynamic Instruction Sequences. JCP, 4(5), 405-414.