master degree proposal

Re se arch Proposal Propose d Re se arch Top ic: Impact of T otal Quality M anagement on Desalinatio n Plant 1- Introductio n 2-Purpose s of study 3- state me nt of the proble m 4-Que stions and/or Hypothe se s 5-The ore tical frame work: 6-M e thod: 7-The De sign --M e thods and Proce dure s 8-Re fe re nce s Desalinatio n Plant over view I want to prepare a proposal for a master's degree project and submitted to instruc tor as a first step and in light of prepared proposal I will start writing the graduation pro ject I work in a water production plant by converting sea water into potable water With a daily production of approximate ly 450000 m3/ day and the plant employs about 600 employees . Distrib utio n of their work 27 Operation Engineer 35 Maintena nc e Enginee r 150 Operator 100 First Technic ia n and 188 Technica l Assistant