two documents

  1. Ensuring that employees who operate powered industrial trucks in their departments have received appropriate training.

  2. Providing observations and feedback to operators to ensure safe equipment operation.

  3. Ensuring that the vehicles under their responsibility are properly inspected and maintained in a safe operating condition

2: Powered Industrial Truck operators are responsible for:

The employees at &&&& will be responsible for following the policies set forth in this program. Employees will also be responsible for reporting issues found within the facility to management.

IV: Training

1: Only employees who have successfully completed training in accordance with 1910.178(l) will be permitted to operate a powered industrial truck

2: Training and evaluation will be conducted by persons who have the knowledge, training, and experience to train powered industrial truck operators and evaluate their competence.

3: The training will include of the following topics:

    1. The factors4 that affect the stability of the truck.

    2. The safe operation of powered industrial trucks.

    3. Truck controls and instrumentation; where they are located, what they do and how they work.

    4. The similarities and differences between powered industrial trucks and automobiles.

    5. Steering and Maneuvering.

    6. The proper techniques of battery charging and refueling.

    7. The inspection of powered industrial trucks.

    8. Vehicle capacity.

    9. Load manipulation, stacking and unstacking.

    10. Pedestrian traffic in areas where the vehicle will be operated.

    11. Narrow aisles and other restricted places where the vehicle will be operated.

    12. Other unique and potentially hazardous environmental conditions in the workplace.

    13. that could affect the safe operation of the vehicle.

4: Refresher training in relevant topics will be provided to the operator when:

  1. The operator has been observed to operate the vehicle in an unsafe manner.

  2. The operator has been involved in an accident or near-miss incident.

  3. The operator has received an evaluation that reveals that the operator is not operating the truck safely.

  4. The operator is assigned to drive a different type of truck.

  5. A condition in the workplace changes in a manner that could affect safe operation of the truck.

5: An evaluation of each Powered Industrial Truck (PIT) operator's performance will be conducted at least once every three years.

6: If an operator has previously received training in a topic specified in paragraph 29 CFR 1910.178, and the training is appropriate to the truck and working conditions encountered, additional training in that topic is not required if the operator has been evaluated and found competent to operate the truck safely.

7: Training will be documented on the Powered Industrial Truck Training Certification form. The certification will contain each employee's name, the date of training and the name of the instructor.

V: Inspection

The inspection procedure for Forklift in regular service is divided into 3 general classifications:

1: Frequent inspections are done daily (visual).

2: Frequent inspections monthly (records maintained).

3: Periodic inspections are done annually (records maintained).

The inspections cover topics outlined in the standard or manufacturers guidelines. Monthly inspections require documentation.

At the beginning of each shift during which a forklift is used, a visual inspection must be made in accordance with Table 1 below. Any defects must be reported to a supervisor. VI: Operating Procedures

Pre-Use Inspection

1: Get authorization to use or operate the forklift.

2: Check the previous pre-start inspection for any comments or notes and perform a new

pre-start inspection on the forklift. Document the inspection.

3: Be familiar with the equipment owner’s manual and the rated capacity of the equipment.


1: Keep your head, hands, and feet within the confines of the overhead guard.

2: Always handle loads that are within the forklift’s capacity.

3: Never allow an individual to stand under elevated forklift forks.

4: Never carry passengers nor elevate persons standing on either the forks or a pallet.

5: Distractions such as eating, drinking, smoking, talking on cell phone, texting are all

prohibited while a forklift is in gear. Stop, shift to neutral, and set the parking brake prior

to an answering/using cell phones or other devices.

6: Do not exceed a speed of 5 Miles Per Hour when operating a forklift.

8: Always maintain a distance of three lift truck lengths between the forklift being operated and any other forklifts, elevated work platforms or other types of motorized equipment.

9: When parking never blocks doors, emergency exits, or electrical panels.

10: Prior to dismounting from a forklift:

    1. Set the parking brake.

    2. Lower the forks to the ground.

    3. Neutralize the controls.

    4. Turn off the engine.

    5. Remove keys from the ignition if you will be more than 25 feet away from the forklift