EDU 382 Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners: Week 2 Journal

Journal Entry 1 Student EDU 382 Carl Beyer 2015 Reflect on a time when a lesson was meaningful. Consider how the lesson relates to the five important characteristics of a quality curriculum. Then reflect on times when you were assessed on your knowledge. What types of assessments stressed you out the most and why? Which ones did you feel were least threatening and why? Why do you think it is important that teachers should consider multiple approaches to assessments? How do you think your learning would improve if you were given options? Utilize the text and any additional resources to support your response when applicable. Growing up, the most meaningful lessons were the ones that I could relate to. I remember being in my 8 th grade math class. Even though I was not the best mathematician or great with numbers, the lessons that I was tuned in and engaged in were the ones where I was able to use what was being taught and apply it to everyday life scenarios. Also, the lessons that meant the most to me were the ones where the teacher showed enthusiasm and interest in what was being taught and not just placing a few examples on the board and asking for us to memorize a formula or a phrase and to remember it for a test. When it came to assessments, the ones that stressed me out the most were the ones that as a student we could not prepare for it. They were the type of assessments that were given by the state to see where students in our county stood when compared to other students in the state and across the country. Standardized testing as they were called definitely stressed me out because as a student there was nothing I could do to prepare for it but rather it was based on prior knowledge of many subjects and topics. Teachers should definitely consider multiple approaches when it comes to assessments because each student learns differently and each student test differently so if a teacher can incorporate differen t types of assessments in the classroom and different ap proaches it allows for each student to be successful and the teacher to differentiate and include each and every student and their needs (Sousa & Tomlinson, 2011) . Growing up, my teachers were more of the old school type of teachers where teaching was ju st one way. They came in, talked about a topic, showed a few examples on the board and told us what to remember for the test and what not to worry about. This was very tough on a student such as myself because for me learning was easiest when the teachers differentiated and showed interest and could make me relate to what was being taught (Sousa & Tomlinson, 2011) . If my teachers differentiated and gave me options I think I would have grasped some concepts that I normally struggled with at an earlier pace. Reference List Sousa, D. A. & Tomlinson, C. A. (2011). Differentiation and the brain: How neuroscience supports the learner -friendly classroom. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.