Discussion boards

1. Apple doesn’t support Adobe Flash technology on iOS devices. Why did it make this decision? Do you agree with it? Explain your answer.

2. Discuss HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in terms of the MVC design pattern. Which language fits each tier? Explain your answer.

3. Is JavaScript object oriented? Explain your answer.

4. What are the pros and cons of developing Web apps for smartphones compared with native apps?

5. Compare compiled languages and interpreted languages, and give examples of both. Which language is better, and why?

6. Why do users look at websites on their mobile devices instead of their laptops or desktop computers.

7. Some consumers prefer to use their PCs to shop, bank, etc. online instead of the mobile apps on their smartphones.

Identify a company that has a web version and mobile version for their company.

Answer the following questions:

  • What do you think the reason for this is?

  • How can apps be improved such that more consumers shop, bank, etc. on their smartphones?

Evaluate which is better and explain why.

8. How does one hide information on a webpage that really isn’t hidden in the first place.