I need this assignment adjusted according to my instructor’s comment. It looks like the discussion part needs more strengthening. My assignment is on the attachment. Hello Pedro, Good job on these emails. I thought you structured your emails well. You al


Negative Communication

Pedro Rodriguez

Negative Communication

Part 1: Letter to Communicate a Layoff to the Remaining Employees

From: The Management

To: All Members of Staff

Date: 4/12/17


To all members of staff,

The management would like to communicate some very sad news. As you all know, in the past few weeks the company has been in the process of planning a necessary downsizing. We regret to announce that this process has led to the retrenchment of some of your colleagues. This retrenchment was necessary because of the financial difficulties that the company is currently experiencing. The company’s management decided to implement any necessary measures to reduce the costs of production so as to facilitate the survival of the company. However, we would like to assure you that there will be no layoffs to be carried out any time soon. The remaining employees can be assured of their positions at the company and the management is happy to have you around.

As for the employees, we had to let go, we would like to assure you that the company is concerned about their well-being and survival after leaving the company. Therefore, the finance department is currently working on giving each and every laid off employee a generous send-off package to take care of their needs before they can find another employer. Additionally, we will write them a good recommendation to make their job-hunting easier. We wish them luck in all their future endeavors.

Becoming one of the best producers of tech solutions remains as one of the main missions of the company. The company is still dedicated to making sure that its goals and objectives are achieved. We would like you to continue with the good work that you have been contributing to this company. Your dedication and efforts will help to make the company even stronger and financially stable. Thank you very much for understanding.

Yours faithfully



This negative communication letter has taken into consideration the feelings of both the laid off and the remaining employees. The letter begins by showing how remorseful the company is that it has to lay off some of the employees (Yen, 2011). The language that has been used is modest enough to show respect for the employees who lost their jobs. In the letter, the recipients are also assured that they are safe from any layoffs in the future (Yen, 2011).

Letter of Termination of Services to a Client

Date: 4/12/17

Ms. Minnie MacElroy

27694 Bay Point Lane

Bonita Springs, FL 34134


Dear Minnie, I am writing to you in regard to your relationship with our company. As you know, we have been providing web management services to you. Our company designed and has been managing the web page of your company for years on end. However, in spite of the services that we have provided to your company, the company has noticed some inconsistency in your payments. You communicated to the company that your company was experiencing some financial difficulties and we were happy to help by providing our services until you were financially stable. However, it has been more than six months and we have not been able to receive payment.

I would like to let you know that our company will no longer be able to provide our services to you without payment. We are terminating your site with immediate effect until we can receive the arrears for all the months that the company provided its services without payment. We understand that the whole of the country’s economy is challenged because of the ongoing depression but our company also needs the payments of our clients for survival. This is why we had to terminate our services with you until further notice. We would like to remind you that our company still holds the copyright to your company’s sites design.

We regret this decision but we can assure you that the site will be back on as soon as the payment is received. It is very unfortunate that the great relationship between our companies has deteriorated to this point. We wish you success in all your practices and hope that you will be able to fix your financial difficulties as soon as possible so that our relationship can be restored.


Pedro Rodriguez (Management)


This letter has been written to terminate the services of a client who has been difficult and has also not been paying for her services with the company. The letter focuses the reason for the termination on the lack of payments and not the poor relationship between the client and the company. This is because it is the violation of the contract between the client and the company that led to the termination and not the fact that they were being difficult. Involving feelings in the termination would be unethical (Xerox, 2015).


Xerox (2015).Writing an Effective Business Letter. Retrieved from http://www.office.xerox.com/small-business/tips/business-letter/enus.html

Yen, Y. (2008, Nov 11). Laid off? No, you’ve been simplified. Retrieved from http://archive.fortune.com/2008/11/10/technology/layoff_terms.fortune/index.htm