assignment for Topic safety


Safety and Injury Prevention


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Safety and Injury Prevention

One unique aspect of an accident is that it can happen to anyone at any time. One should not think that he or she is “accident proof” It is just a matter of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. According to Williams (2010), a large number of accidents are caused as a result of negligence or some overlooked aspects. In short, accidents are, at most times avoidable through some intensive care methods. It is important to note that although accidents are inevitable, they may be greatly reduced to some extent.

Safety and injury prevention techniques hence revolve around reducing cases of accidents, which have been mentioned above. Most cases of injuries are reported to be as a result of accidents according to Manuele (2011). Reducing accidents is hence a measure that promotes safety and prevents injuries.

It is paramount to note that not all forms of safety violations and injuries are accidental. Some are caused by the actions of other human beings. This includes rape, murder, robbery with violence and many others. These actions usually contravene the safety of human beings and are causes of very many injuries. Some are even fatal

Since the causes of injuries and safety violations have been established to be accidental or purely intentional, there is need to increase the safety of innocent individuals from these accidents and intentional inflictors. Reports have indicated that a great extent of deaths of young individuals around the world is caused as a result of accidents or assault by fellow human beings. The numbers can greatly be reduced if individuals learned to follow safety protocols. Research has also indicated that majority of the accidental deaths suffered by young individuals are as a result of some form of negligence. Common forms of negligence include drunk driving, walking through alleyways at night, wearing provocative clothing and so on. A person who suffered a horrible accident due to drunk driving might not have suffered the misfortune if he or she had taken a taxi, a person who was mugged , robbed or injured because of working through an alleyway might learn that he/she could have been safe, had they taken a more public route, and finally a girl who might have been raped due to wearing provocative clothing might also learn that her ordeal could have been avoided had she worn decent clothing.

The above three illustrations help to fix the idea that many forms of safety violations and injuries are all due to acts which are avoidable. Accidents are unavoidable, but they may be reduced to some extent. Take, for example, the drunk driver in the above scenario might have run over a pedestrian during the accident. The pedestrian had no way of knowing that he or she will suffer the fate hence it is an accident. However, he could have reduced his chances of suffering such an accident by avoiding walking near a road, and so on.

There is hence a need to promote safety and reduce the number of accidents or injuries that occur mainly as a result of avoidable matters. Let’s say, for example, if the drunk driver had taken a taxi, he/ she would have reached home safely, the pedestrian would remain unharmed, while his car would still be intact in the club’s parking lot, ready for picking during the next day. To sum up, there is a need to reduce safety violations and injuries through numerous awareness campaigns, self-defense training exercises and drilling exercises.


Manuele, F. (2011). Advanced Safety Management Focusing on Z10 and Serious Injury

Prevention. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.

Williams, J. (2010). Keeping people safe: the human dynamics of injury prevention. Lanham:

Government Institutes/Scarecrow Press.