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Question 1

The gospel truth is that Apple has a close partnership with Adobe. In fact, Apple was the biggest customer of the Adobe during its early years of operation.

Apple doesn’t support Adobe Flash technology on iOS devices because;

First, the web browser in iOS devices does not allow Flash content to be played.

Secondly, Apple’s desire of controlling every single aspect of the user experience will not be achieved if Apple allows Adobe Flash technology on iOS devices. This is due to the fact that in case the content on the Apple platforms is built on Flash, Apple has a lesser control over it.

Lastly, Most of Flash applications are built in a way that uses a lot of CPU and memory. To ensure that Apple products do not use a lot of CPU and memory, the Company does not support Adobe Flash Technology on iOS devices.

Question 2

MVC design pattern it helps you to write better organized, and therefore more maintainable code. MVC is composed of three components which are shown in the figure below;

Model is where the application’s data objects are the store. The model is not aware of the views and controller.

From the diagram above, Model is a representation of attributes that are associated with each to do items such as the view and description and status.

View represents what is presented to the user and how the user interacts with the app. The view is made with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and often templates. An example is the part of chrome app that has access to the DOM.

The controller acts as the decision maker and the connector between the view and the model.

Question 3

In order to determine whether JavaScript is object oriented or not, we have to check for the following characteristics;

IMO which is the key characteristic of an object orientated language is supposed to be supporting polymorphism, which is the ability of a given object to take on many forms. A Java project that has the capability of passing more than IS-A test, is considered to be polymorphic; Java has this capability.

The next characteristic to consider is encapsulation which is pretty easy to do in Javascript also.

It is worthwhile to note that in the minds of many it is inheritance (specifically implementation inheritance) which would tip whether there is the balance meant to determine if a language is object oriented.

The truth is that JavaScript provides a fairly easy means meant to inherit implementation through prototyping but this is attributed to the expense of encapsulation.

In case the criteria for determining whether JavaScript is object oriented or not is through the classical threesome of polymorphism, encapsulation, and inheritance then Javascript doesn't pass.

Question 4

Pros of Web Apps

First, In terms of maintenance, Web apps are much easier to maintain since they have a common code base across multiple mobile platforms.

Second, Web apps have the capability to get manipulated so as to make them compatible with any older mobile device.

Third, Web apps developers do not have to submit their app to any app store for approval.

Fourth, Due to the fact that Web apps do not need to be approved by the app marketplace, there is the great possibility of their release at any time and any form i.e. per the developer’s preference.

Fifth, Users of Web Apps does not have to visit an app store to download Web Apps or to update them on their mobile devices.

Cons of Web Apps

First, Mobile Web apps are characterized with the limited scope as far as accessing a mobile device feature is concerned.

Secondly, in terms of cost, Web apps that support multiple mobile browsers tend to be more expensive to the developers because they raise the costs of developing and maintaining the apps.

Due to the fact that different users work with different mobile browsers, there is difficulty in maintaining a record of the usage of the patterns and also provide support for everyone. Users may sometimes find it difficult to discover a Web app, as it is not systematically listed in any app store.

In addition to that, Due to lack of regularized quality control system for Web Apps, the security and safety of the users are not guaranteed.

Question 5

Compiled languages involve translation of the program directly into code that is specific to the target machine; basically, a code that is specific to a given processor and operating system. Then the computer runs the machine code on its own.

Examples include;






Visual Basic






On the other hand, Interpreted languages do not allow the source code to be directly run by the machine; what happens is that another program reads and then executes the original source code.

Examples include;



Forth and


Interpreted languages are better because they save ion time hence resulting to faster development. This makes them ideal for mathematical and scientific computing.

Interpreted languages are also ideal for scripting. An example is the Microsoft word which provides scripting capabilities by interpreting visual basic code.

Question 6

The reasons as to why users look for websites on their mobile devices instead of their laptops and desktops include;

First, when using mobile devices, the means of accessing and tracking a user location are less precise when compared with desktops and laptops which usually know the location of a person in the world down to a five- to 10-meter radius.

Secondly, Mobile devices are faster in accessing various websites which are not the case with laptops and desktops.

In addition to that, more websites are now loaded on mobile devices than on desktop computers due to the current trend of increased usage of mobile phones.

Development of high-speed mobile phones and mobile networks has made many people use mobile devices to access various websites.

In conclusion, most of the people have now turned to use apps such as FaceBook and Whatsapp which are faster on mobile devices than on laptops and desktops.

Question 7

An example of a company that has both a web version and mobile version for their company is Google.

The reason as to why Google has both a mobile and a web version is purposely to ensure that each and every customer’s preference is met.

Another reason behind this is based on the fact that some websites may be accessed on web version or the mobile version.

For the apps to be improved, the following have to be observed;

1. Designing the apps to have accurate an instant response.

2. Ensuring that fast websites that offer instant response are developed.

3. Ensuring that the apps are easy to navigate with.

4. Ensuring that there is fast and secure check-out when using the apps.

Mobile web version has been found to be better since it mostly uses integrated apps to access most of the websites.

Question 8

One can hide information on a webpage that really isn’t hidden in the first place through the following ways;

Ensure that you have a collection a collection of files in the web directory. Then use a browser to ensure that all the files are accessible. Then end with the browser indicating a list of the main web directory or a subdirectory where you would like to hide the things.

Information can be hidden on browsers where there is the “save” option. The page or the whole file can be saved in the web directory with the naming the e "index.html".

The next thing is to verify whether the information has been hidden. This can be carried out by editing your index.html file. Then pick one of the files and delete it from the list. Go back to the browser and instruct it to reload the page. That file should no longer be on the list, although it is still there in the directory.