Country Manager Simulation

7.4 Final Group Report (GR)

Each group is to submit a report that describes your group performance and what you learned about being a country manager for a company expanding internationally. The report should be written as if aimed at the company’s executive board or shareholders – i.e. an ex- post write-up of your strategies, an explanation of your key decisions, an evaluation of your actual performance outcomes, an overview of your approach to standardization/adaptation and your learning from the Country Manager exercise, including what you might do differently if you could do it again. The appendix should include your group’s final country attractiveness sheet and a forecasting sheet relevant to one of your markets/competitors used as benchmark.

Your report is deemed as an executive report, thus not to exceed ten (10) pages of text (1.5 line spacing, 2.5cm margins, 12-point Times New Roman font). You may add as many exhibits as you like (these may be included either in the text or in the appendix). Please refer to the CM report-marking sheet on Blackboard for more detailed assessment criteria.

 Organize your Final Report as follows.

  1. Cover sheet with group number and members ID, countries entered, date, and class number

  2. Discussion of your group’s initial strategy and key decisions you made.

  3. Any changes that you made to your strategic plans during the game and why, and an analysis of your overall regional (as well as country-by-country) performance.

  4. What you learned about being a country manager for a company expanding internationally and what you would do differently next time.

  5. Your appendix should include your final country attractiveness sheet and a forecast sheet that you used, plus key country and regional performance exhibits – use your judgment in what to include and keep length of the appendix within reason. The appendix does not count towards the 10-page limit.