Country Manager Simulation

  1. Executive Summary

Originality of company/brand/market choice

Introduction, company and brand description

  1. Preliminary Country Analysis

  1. Economy

  2. Sociocultural

  3. Industry

  4. Entry market decision

  1. Regional Strategy

  1. Entry market analysis

  2. Production Location

  3. Long-term Goals

  1. Period 1-5 (key decisions)

  1. Products

  2. Prices

  3. Promotions

  4. Places

  5. Results (description, evaluation, improvement)

  1. Period 6-10 (key decisions)

  1. Products

  2. Prices

  3. Promotions

  4. Places

  5. Results (description, evaluation, improvement)

  1. Reflection (what you learn, improvement)

  2. Appendix

describes your group performance

what you learned about being a country manager for a company expanding internationally.

initial strategy

key decisions

evaluation of your actual performance outcomes

overview of your approach to standardisation/adaptation

your learning from the Country Manager exercise

what you might do differently if you could do it again

your group’s final country attractiveness sheet and a forecasting sheet relevant to one of your markets/competitors used as benchmark.

Your report is deemed as an executive report