obesity homework


Assignment #3 – This assignment will help you to write a strong final paper. Please submit this outline on Bb – one submission per pair is fine (make sure I know who you are working with!)

Using your revised outline, add specific information from peer-reviewed articles to the outline. Be sure to include the reference. Finally, include a works cited list at the end of your outline. It should be in APA format. You must only use scholarly works or peer-reviewed publications.

  1. Topic sentence: Writing is a uniquely human endeavor. (Graphy, 2000)

    1. What is the first evidence for writing? The first evidence for writing comes from the stone tablets found in caves (Madeup, et al. 2015)

    2. Which humans first wrote? The first writers were probably the stone age people from Lithos (Pretendi et al., 1988)

    3. What are the closest animal examples of writing?

  1. Topic sentence: etc.

    1. Support

    2. Support

    3. support