
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 12, 2017 VA Responds to IG Report on Health-Care Inspection at D.C. VA Medical Center WASHINGTON — Today, the Office of Inspector General (OIGyf U H O H D V H G D Q L Q W H U L P V X P P D U \ U H S R U t titled Healthcare Inspection – Patient Safety Concerns at the Washington, D.C. VA Medical Center (VAMCyf : D V K L Q J W R Q ' C . The Department of Veterans Affairs thanks the OIG for its quick work reviewing the D.C. VAMC. The department considers this an urgent patient-safety issue. Effective immediately, the medical center director has been relieved from his position and temporarily assigned to administrative duties. Dr. Charles Faselis has been named the acting Medical Center Director.

VA is conducting a swift and comprehensive review into these findings. VA’s top priority is to ensure that no patient has been harmed. If appropriate, additional disciplinary actions will be taken in accordance with the law. ###