Analysis Papers


Unsatisfactory = 0-1 / Satisfactory = 2 / Excellent = 3

Level 0 = 0pts.

Level 1 = 1pt.

Level 2 = 2pts.

Level 3 = 3pts.


Identification of Issues

Identification of ethical /social concerns is sparse or missing.

Identifies some of the ethical/social concerns in a given problem/case. Some important points are missing.

Identifies most of the ethical/social concerns in a given problem/case. Most significant points are identified.

Completely and thoughtfully identifies all ethical/social concerns in a given problem/case.


Supports Arguments

Inconsistent in articulation of position and/or offers little or no supporting evidence.

Most points are supported with adequate information. Some important points are missing and/or support for positions lacks substantial explanation.

Able to support a position with adequate information and few logical fallacies.

Able to support a position with a substantial amount of information, little or no bias, and valid arguments.


Integration of Course Concepts

Very few course concepts integrated.

Integrates some course concepts, however, with some inaccuracies.

Integrates course concepts fairly well, with few inaccuracies.

Integrates course concepts consistently and accurately.



Paper is disorganized; little flow; vague; difficult to understand.

Presentation flows smoothly with occasional confusion or rough patches between ideas.

Presentation is smooth, polished and organized; flows well.



Errors are so numerous that they obscure meaning.

Occasional errors in writing, but they don’t represent a major distraction.

Writing is free or almost free of errors.






Total Score