Final Paper

The body of your paper addresses all of the required components, except the discussion of geography needs to be more focused. In terms of structure and organization, remember that your thesis statement should be reaffirmed in a conclusion that ties together the main points of the paper. I look forward to reading the final version. Final score here reflects a 5% penalty for not submitting an outline per the instructions.



(1.25 / 1.25) Outline Biodiversity and How it is Measured

Distinguished - Comprehensively and accurately outlines biodiversity and how it is measured.

(1.25 / 1.25) Outline How Biodiversity is important to Environmental Conservation

Distinguished - Comprehensively outlines how biodiversity is important to environmental conservation.

(1.25 / 1.25) Outline How Biological Evolution Affects Biodiversity

Distinguished - Comprehensively outlines how biological evolution affects biodiversity.

(1.25 / 1.25) Outlines How Competition and Ecological Niches Affect Biodiversity

Distinguished - Comprehensively outlines how competition and ecological niches affect biodiversity.

(1.25 / 1.25) Outline How Food Webs Affect Biodiversity

Distinguished - Comprehensively outlines how food webs affect biodiversity.

(0.8 / 1.25) Outline How Geography Affects Biodiversity

Below Expectations - Attempts to outline how geography affects biodiversity but outline does not convey course concepts and relevant information.

The response can be improved by identifying a direct link between geography and species diversity. Specifically, how does geography actually affect or influence biodiversity? Consider the impact of temperature and rainfall on species diversity.

(1.25 / 1.25) Outlines How Human Generated Pollution and Land-use Changes Affect Biodiversity

Distinguished - Comprehensively outlines how human generated pollution and land-use changes affect biodiversity.

(1.25 / 1.25) Outlines Varioius Techniques Utilized by Humans to Conserve Biodiversity

Distinguished - Comprehensively outlines varioius techniques utilized by humans to conserve biodiversity.

(1.14 / 1.5) Written Communication: Control of Syntax and Mechanics

Basic - Displays basic comprehension of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains a few errors, which may slightly distract the reader.

(1 / 1) APA Formatting

Distinguished - Accurately uses APA formatting consistently throughout the paper, title page, and reference page.

(1 / 1) Page Requirement

Distinguished - The paper meets the specific page requirement stipulated in the assignment description.

(1.5 / 1.5) Resource Requirement

Distinguished - Uses more than the required number of scholarly sources, providing compelling evidence to support ideas. All sources on the reference page are used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.

Overall Score: 14.19 / 15