Numeracy Assessment Folio

Numeracy assessment 1 question

This assessment is 2500 words altogether (Part A 1500 and part B 1000)

Overview of the assessment

Understanding the development of numeracy as an area of priority within Australian society, and the ways their own numeracy has been shaped over time, positions educators to more effectively integrate numeracy into their teaching across all discipline areas.

This folio assignment is divided into two separate parts.

Part A: Critical analysis of the teaching of numeracy across the curriculum

This task is assessing your ability to demonstrate that you meet the criteria for the following unit learning outcomes:

1. Critically analyse the teaching of numeracy and its application across the curriculum.

2. Differentiate between formal and informal numeracy learning and thinking.

3. Critically reflect upon your personal numeracy capacity.

Your critical analysis must: (1500 words)

  • define numeracy

  • explain the difference between formal and informal numeracy learning and thinking

  • critically analyse the development of numeracy as an area of priority within Australian society over time, including the legislative background to the establishment of ACARA

  • Analyse the role of numeracy as a general capability within the Australian curriculum.

All weekly readings from Weeks 2-6 should be referred to in your analysis. In addition, you must draw upon at least one other additional source of information (i.e. research or other literature) for each weekly topic that assists to support your claims.

Your critical analysis should be around 1500 words.

Reading from weeks 2-6 must be included in the assessment (also 1 more extra reference should be added to each week’s topic)

Week 2

Week 3 (Chapter 2) (chapter 7)

Week 4

Geiger, Forgasz and Goos (2015) will take you on a journey through the Australian curriculum. The article A critical orientation to numeracy across the curriculum (Geiger et al., 2015) presents findings that emerged through a larger project that aimed to provide insight into how teachers can develop a cross-curricular approach to numeracy. In the article a model for numeracy in the twenty-first century is presented. This model is important as provides a visual representation of the critical orientation to the application of mathematics. As you prepare for your first assignment think about this model and how it might be drawn upon to develop a cross-curricular approach to numeracy.

Week 5

Week 6

Part B: Reflective analysis of your own personal numeracy (1000 words)

My personal information

I went to school in overseas for my primary years which was very different to Australia but for secondary I was in Australia I went to esl school first then I went to government school.

Your reflective analysis requires you to think about your own personal numeracy.

You should commence this section by outlining the era in which you attended school, the school system that you attended (e.g. government, religious, independent, alternative), and your relationship with mathematics throughout your schooling.

After you have provided this background information, you will need to draw on your critical analysis in Part A to analyse your own personal numeracy.

Thinking about your own personal numeracy:

Your analysis should be reflective, and should parallel and draw on the literature that was examined in Part A in order to respond to the following questions:

  • What was happening in relation to numeracy as an area of priority in Australian society when you were at school?

  • How might this have contributed to the development of your own personal numeracy skills?

  • How does your level of personal numeracy sit within the modern day societal views and expectations of and about numeracy?

  • What might this information mean for you as a numerate person?

  • What might this information mean for you as a numerate educator?

Descriptive versus critical/analytical writing

Note that through both parts of this folio, you must demonstrate an ability for critical and analytical writing. This means that it is not sufficient to merely list and describe the features of numeracy within the curriculum and your own personal numeracy. Your analysis must:

  • identify the significance of this information

  • evaluate strengths and weaknesses and weigh one piece of information against another

  • argue a case based on evidence

  • show relevant links between information.

Assessment criteria

  • Critical analysis of the teaching of numeracy across the curriculum.

• Explanation of the difference between formal and informal numeracy learning and thinking.

• Critical reflection of personal numeracy capabilities.

• Use of appropriate writing conventions.

Assignment format

Your folio must be compiled as a single Word document, with both parts clearly differentiated.

Part A should be developed in a report format using third person voice. Part B is a personal response and should be written in first person.

All resources referred to in your folio (including supporting resources) must be included in a reference list, appropriately formatted in APA style. This reference list will not be included within the word count for the assignment.

Marking Rubric

Please note that for holistic rubrics, the requirements of all criteria must be met at a satisfactory level in order to pass and move on to the next level (a credit, etc.).

    • Not satisfying each criterion in the Pass level will result in a No Pass.

    • To be awarded a Credit, the work must fulfil all of the requirements of the Pass level but with more sophistication then...

    • Each point at each level must be met to a satisfactory standard in order to be awarded that level and/or to be considered for a higher level.

    • Please use the rubric as a checklist


  • The folio includes responses for both part A (written in third person) and part B (written in first person), clearly delineated in the submitted document.

  • The critical analysis includes a relevant and valid definition of numeracy.

  • The critical analysis includes a relevant and valid explanation of the differences between formal and informal literacy.

  • The critical analysis identifies significant aspects of the development of numeracy as an area of priority within Australian society over time, including the establishment of ACARA, and evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of these developments.

  • The critical analysis describes the place of numeracy as a general capability within the Australian Curriculum.

  • The reflective analysis demonstrates evidence of critical reflection on personal numeracy that includes basic responses to the questions provided.

  • All key readings from Weeks 2-6 are referred to, as well as at least one additional source of information for each weekly topic. Works cited are consistent with APA conventions.

  • There is adherence to relevant conventions of English and an appropriate degree of structure and formality. The work has been proofread so that most typographical and spelling errors are eliminated, and any errors that are present do not detract substantially from the communication of ideas.

  • A reference list is included, formatted in APA style.


  • The critical analysis demonstrates a sound understanding of the relationships between the growing importance of numeracy within Australian society, its place as a general capability in the Australian Curriculum, and the roles that both formal and informal numeracy can play in numeracy education.

  • The reflective analysis integrates information from the critical analysis in order to demonstrate some connections between the development of numeracy as an area of priority and the student’s personal numeracy.

  • A range of relevant scholarly material, policy and legislation is cited in APA style.

  • The writing is concise, and word choice is deliberate. Meaning is communicated effectively and efficiently, without superfluous words, phrases and sentences.


  • Both parts of the folio present an insightful and precise analysis, evaluation and reflection that demonstrates strong connections between the development of numeracy as an area of priority, its place in the Australian Curriculum, and the student’s personal numeracy

  • The work provides evidence of a broad range of wider research.

  • Effective language use is a feature of the work. Errors in spelling, punctuation and grammatical construction have been addressed through careful proofreading. The work is written with sensitivity for its audience and consideration of the impact of choices in terms of language and tone.

High distinction

  • The work incorporates a high degree of critical understanding through the analysis, evaluation and reflection of the teaching of numeracy and the student’s personal numeracy, demonstrating an insightful vision of future practice as a teacher of numeracy.

  • Across all sections, the writing is concise and logical, with richly integrated ideas that convey meaning and purpose. The reference list shows evidence of extensive reading and is accurately put together.