Assessment and Feedback Details

Assessment Task

Due Date


SILOs Assessed

Individual Essay (2500 words)

Monday 24th April 5:00 pm


ILO 1,2,3,4

Submission Details

Essays are due Monday April 24 by 5:00 pm. Essays will be submitted in LMS via Turnitin. Further details of the submission process will be provided in lectures.

Grading Criteria and Feedback

The essay will help you to build your writing and critical thinking skills, and should reflect the principles of scholarly work. This requires a critical analysis of relevant concepts and the presentation of an argument. The presentation of a list of facts, which are not analysed or evaluated, will not normally attain a pass grade. You should support your contention with relevant academic literature on HRD. You must include references to a minimum of 20 academic, peer-reviewed journal articles.

The essay assignment is approximately 2500 words (not including title page, references, or ancillary materials) and is worth 30 marks.

Grading criteria for this assessment is contained in the Rubric below.

All reference material must be appropriately cited in the text of your essay. Include a separate reference section that includes the full citation information. Follow the style guidelines for the Academy of Management Journal. Note that Wikipedia and similar websites are NOT acceptable sources of information for this assignment.

Your essay must be typed and have standard margins on all sides. Double spacing or 1.5 line spacing are preferred.

It is essential that your essay is written in a neat, professional, and engaging manner. Check your writing for accuracy in spelling, grammar and punctuation. Convey your ideas in a clear, concise manner, and use appropriate transitions between ideas and sections. The analysis of the identified HRD challenges, assessment of HRD aspects performed well and recommendations to improve HRD and its impact on both individual and organisational performance must be informed by the academic research literature. La Trobe University has many resources to help you develop your writing skills. Please see the Subject coordinator or your tutor if you need help.

Description of Task

Select an organisation of your choice. Ideally, you should select an organisation where you currently work or have worked in the past, or an organisation that you would like to work for in the future.

Drawing on your understanding of the industry, the organisation, and the HRD challenges you have experienced or identified and key HRD theoretical frameworks, examine the HRD process in your selected organisation.

In your answer, consider:

  • What are the key challenges of using HRD in the organisation?

  • What aspects of HRD are done well in the organisation?

  • What recommendations would you give to the organisation to improve HRD and its impact on both individual and organisational performance?