Presentation skills


  • Topic approval by 13/04/2017

  • Outline and slides submission 24 hours before presentation time

  • Schedule your presentation to be delivered during one of your scheduled classes (23 – 27 / 04/ 2017)


  1. Identify the group member/s

  2. Choose a controversial topic for your presentation , a topic which will probably split the audience into sides or subgroups

  3. Research your topic extensively

  4. Prepare your outline and slides; submit them 24 hours before your presentation scheduled time

  5. Practice, practice, practice

  6. Deliver your speech to the class on the assigned date.


Persuasive Speech (8-10 minute per group)




Module 3: Preparing Your Content

Module 4: Converting the Content Into a Presentation

Module 5: Designing a High-Impact Presentation




To articulate a systematic way of producing a presentation topic and presentation method.

Students should be able to present their chosen topic incorporating all the knowledge and skills acquired to prepare content and convert it into a high-impact presentation.


Students should be familiar with ideas generation methods and have a clear thought-process to verbalize their ideas into an effective presentation.


The task for this assignment is to present a persuasive speech on a topic of your choice. Your purpose may be to change attitudes, values, or beliefs about something. Your purpose may be to change opinion, or to suggest policy. Your purpose may be to reframe the audience’s view of something, to reinforce their position regarding something, or to inoculate them against possible persuasive efforts from others. You may ask them to support specific actions or to take action themselves.

Delivery is of the utmost importance in persuasive speaking. If you are not perceived as trustworthy, knowledgeable, and interesting, neither will your topic. Work on creating a dynamic, energized, and enthusiastic delivery style for this speech. You will be speaking naturally using a key word outline.

Suggested Outline:


  1. Attention Material (i.e. the “hook”)

    1. A story or example that “sets the scene” for your reader and gets them interested in what you want to argue.

    2. A clear segue that tells the reader, “I use this story in order to discuss the issue of _______________.”

  2. Orienting Material

    1. Statement of your argument (“In this speech, I want to argue that ______________________”)

    2. Reason why this issue is important, and why people should care

    3. Discussion of where you are getting the research you’ll cite in your speech

    4. Definitions for any crucial terms you’ll be using in your speech.

(Transition sentence, here)


  1. Statement of Reasons for Argument: Reason #1

    1. Further explanation of reason #1

    2. Evidence to back up reason #1

  2. Statement of Reasons for Argument: Reason #2

    1. Further explanation of reason #2

    2. Evidence to back up reason #2

(You may add more than three Reasons for Argument if you desire.)

(Transition sentence, here)

  1. Statement of Objection to your Argument: #1

    1. Further explanation of the objection

    2. Your refutation of the objection

    3. Evidence to support your refutation

  2. Statement of Objection to your Argument #2

    1. Further explanation of the objection

    2. Your refutation of the objection

    3. Evidence to support your refutation

(You may add more than two Objections and Refutations if you desire)

(Transition sentence, here)


  1. Summary

    1. Re-statement of the first thing you want your audience to remember about your speech.

    2. Re-statement of the second thing you want your audience to remember

    3. Re-statement of the third thing you want your audience to remember

  2. Final Appeal

    1. Figure out a smart moving way to end your speech, here.

    2. Make a convincing argument summing up why your listeners should agree with you and change their behavior, attitude and/or mind set. You may hand out literature, etc., during this time!


3 References at least , APA referencing style


  • You should have at least 3 effective, appropriate research references. And you may use as many additional references that are effective and appropriate for your topic and purpose.

  • Make clear transitions, using signposts to alert us to the movement between main ideas.

  • You should build upon each idea with your last point as the strongest point!

  • Also you should dress appropriately!


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