Financial counseling Paper

I need Five one-page summary of event attended.

These events include but not limited to: Financial Planning Association meetings, and any other regular FPA or other financial planning professional meetings.


All about the Financial Planning Association meetings. 1.Write detail information of the company from their website and what you learned from each event and how to improve yourself, such as self-confidence and professional knowledge. 2. Each event is talking about Financial Planning advise and how to be a good financial advisor. 3. And how does these events influence you and what is your goal.

1. April 5th at 5pm FPA will be meeting in Gwynn Lounge and hear from Wilkerson & Reynolds Wealth Management (LPL)

2. North Star Financial is coming to FPA tomorrow Wednesday, March 1st at 5pm in Gwynn Lounge! We are excited to hear from them! Please dress appropriately!

3. Wednesday, February 15th at 5pm in Gwynn Lounge a Well Fargo representative is coming to speak with FPA!

  1. FPA,  February 1st at 5pm in Gwynn Lounge. We will be hearing from Mr. Charles Hunter from Commerce Bank.

  1. Write one summary page whatever the financial planning professional meeting is.

All are same requirements.