dq w2

Week 2 DQ

Policy and Legislation Examples

In this discussion, you will be considering a specific policy or piece of legislation that impacts your current or future profession AND that illustrates how Federalism (state v. national enforcement) comes into play.

Please be sure to critically read and fully address ALL items in the Write: section of the prompt.

Here are some additional examples you may find beneficial. Keep in mind, this may also help you on the Week 2 Learning Activity, and on section 2 of the Week 5 Final Paper related to Federalism.

Federalism is covered in chapter 3 of the text book, and within the week 2 guidance videos etc. 

What it is meant by a policy or piece of legislation are specific federal Acts, laws or regulations. Some additional examples would include:

National Policies (laws or regulations)  Agency that upholds or enforces                                     

Controlled Substance Act (1970)     Drug Enforcement Agency                                                

Gun Control Act (1968) Department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms

Every Student Succeeds Act (2015)     U. S. Department of Education                       


Civil Rights Act (1964)                                    U. S. Department of Labor                               

Higher Education Act (1965- reauthorized 2008)   U. S. Department of Education                       

Affordable Care Act (2010)        U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (2009) U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

POL 201 Ashford University                    5/2016