authorization techniques and its importance

Authorization is the process of giving permission or access of a system to a user of that system.

Authorization techniques

Various ways are used to give users access to systems either total or partial access.

  1. Claims, a user can access a system based on what they or others claim them to be, and on these one is authorized to access a system

  2. Attribute. Secondly a true identification of what you are mostly by viewing your credentials and confirming they are lightminded to be authorized.

  3. Rule based which are set by the system and must be met for someone to access the access the system or be authorized

  4. Group/Role, depending on your capacity or level you are authorized for varying access rights to a system

Importance of authorization

Authorization is important for various reasons; top most authorization is a security feature so that only a few and trusted users are allowed access to the entire system or have full rights to the system.

Second, to maintain integrity authorization is important. Honesty is upheld since users may be stripped of their access to a system if found to be with error or causing damage to the system.

Authorization maintains stability to a system, the users who have full access to the system are few and thus little chance of overloading the system as compared to full access by all users.