project pub policy

Policy Analysis Brief Scoring Guide Due Date: Unit 9 Percentage of Course Grade: 40%.

CRITERIA NON-PERFORMANCE BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED Analyze a public problem through a public policy perspective.

14% Does not describe a public problem through a public policy perspective. Describes a public problem through a public policy perspective, but provides little or no analysis. Analyzes a public problem through a public policy perspective. Analyzes a fully-defined public problem through a public policy perspective and provides a detailed explanation of the context and importance of the problem.

Apply an appropriate public policy analysis theoretical framework to a public policy problem.

14% Does not apply a public policy analysis theoretical framework to a public policy problem.Attempts to apply a public policy analysis theoretical framework to a public policy problem, but the framework is not appropriate or there are errors in the application. Applies an appropriate public policy analysis theoretical framework to a public policy problem. Applies and evaluates an appropriate public policy analysis theoretical framework to a public policy problem and supports the application with scholarly literature.

Evaluate policy alternatives for a particular public policy topic.

14% Does not evaluate policy alternatives for a particular public policy topic. Attempts to evaluate policy alternatives for a particular public policy topic, but the evaluation is incomplete or inaccurate. Evaluates policy alternatives for a particular public policy topic. Evaluates policy alternatives for a particular public policy topic as properly aligned with the existing policy making context and uses current literature to support those choices.

Apply appropriate tools, techniques, and methods of public policy analysis.

14% Does not apply tools, techniques, and methods of public policy analysis. Applies tools, techniques, and methods of public policy analysis, but the application is inappropriate for the situation. Applies appropriate tools, techniques, and methods of public policy analysis. Applies tools, techniques, and methods of public policy analysis as properly aligned with the existing policy making context and uses current literature to support those choices.

Develop suitable recommendations based on the findings of a public policy analysis.

14% Does not develop recommendations based on the findings of a public policy analysis. Develops recommendations based on the findings of a public policy analysis, but the recommendations are not clearly defined or supported by the analysis. Develops suitable recommendations based on the findings of a public policy analysis. Evaluates suitable, comprehensive recommendations based on the findings of a public policy analysis that takes into account the current or emerging policy management factors at the federal, state or local governance levels.

Demonstrate an academic writing style through well- organized prose that follows assignment guidelines.

15% Does not demonstrate an academic writing style. Demonstrates minimally acceptable writing style, but still has instances of disorganization, grammatical or mechanical errors, or Demonstrates an academic writing style through well- organized prose that follows assignment guidelines. Demonstrates an academic writing style through well-organized prose that contains no significant grammatical or mechanical errors and Page 1 of 2 Policy Analysis Brief Scoring Guid e 04 /20 /201 7 CRITERIA NON-PERFORMANCE BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED does not follow all assignment guidelines. follows assignment guidelines.

Demonstrate compliance with APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.

15% Does not demonstrate compliance with APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines. Demonstrates minimally acceptable compliance with APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines. Demonstrates compliance with APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines. Develops a paper that is fully compliant with APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines. Page 2 of 2 Policy Analysis Brief Scoring Guid e 04 /20 /201 7