Problem solving and algorithm design (comp sci)

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Create your own Function


For each discussion, provide a snipplet of pseudo-code for the Main using an example call to the Function as well as the pseudo-code for the Function.

For each discussion, do the problem you are assigned to as described by the letters below.

Discussion 1 - Using Pseudocode, create a Function that accepts one or more input Integer numbers and returns a float number. You should name your function appropriately as to what it does.  Be sure to document your Function with header and in-line comments.

Provide a snipplet of psuedo-code for the Main using an example call to the Function.

Make sure the variable names in the Main are different that in the Function. In the Main, provide the prompts and get the user responses. Then pass the data into the Function.  After the call to the Function include a print statements that indicates the returning value from the call to the Function.

Put Discussion 1 - problem no.X in the Subject area.

You are assigned the problem no. below as follows: If your Last Name begins with:
A-B - do no. 1
C-F - do no. 2
G-H - do no. 3
I-K - do no. 4
L   - do no. 5
M-P - do no. 6
Q-T - do no. 7
U-Z - do no. 8

1)Calculate the Area of a circle. Input: one number

2)Calculate the Circumference a circle. Input: one number

3)Convert the temperature from Celcius to Farenheit Input: one number

4)Convert the temperature from Farenheit to Celcius. Input: one number

5)Calculate 6 times a number squared. Input: one number

6)Calculate 3 times the (sum of three numbers). Input: three numbers

7)Calculate the average of four numbers. Input: four numbers

8)Calculate 5 times the (difference of two numbers). Input two numbers
You may do additional problems, if you want.

Discussion 2:

Convert Discussion 1 to C-code. Don't for get to prototype your function before the main and to define your function after the main.  Put Discussion 2 - problem no.X in the Subject area and submit a .txt (or .c) file for your code.