Thank Goedness I am Done -Week 5 Peer Responses


Engagement/ Participation: Respond to two of your classmates’

Distinguished - Contributes to classroom conversations with at least the minimum number of replies, all of which were thoughtful, relevant, and contributed meaningfully to the conversation. Fully engages in the conversation with appropriate topic-based responses.

Proficient - Contributes to classroom conversations with the minimum number of replies that are somewhat thoughtful, relevant, and contributed meaningfully to the conversation. Attempts to fully engage in the conversation with appropriate topic-based responses.

Peer Responses must be written as though you are speaking with the classmate, having a conversation that goes back and forth and expresses whether or not you agree or disagree with their point-of-view on the topic.

Week 5 - Discussion 1: Social Movements

W. Smallwood # 1

There are four different types of social movements, that focus on different ideas of change. these social movements are revolutionary, Reformative, reactionary, and the redemptive movements and all of these movements serve to better their communities, whether it is through violence or not, they see that the place that they call home must change in order to survive. The first is the revolutionary movement which is the more violent of the four different types, and seeks a complete transformation in society. A more recent example the text provides is the right-wing “militia” movement of the 1980s and 1990s (Van Dyke & Soule, 2002), this is where they felt as if the federal government failed and were a threat to individual liberties. The reactionary movement was a little more focused on the limited change in society, and an example to stand out to me is the civil rights movement as well as equal rights for women and gay civilians. These examples took a more peaceful route to get the change that they desired, so they operated with a more strict set of guidelines. The movement that opposed these types of movements were the reactionary movement, their main purpose was to maintain the way things are and they often oppose the protests of civil rights, as well as the equal rights for women as well as opposing gay marriage. the last of the four movements is a more self improvement movement and this is called, the redemptive movement. The redemptive movement focuses more on you as an individual, an example for this type of movements are AA meetings, individuals who feel they are addicted to a certain thing or activity can go to this and get the help they need. I believe each one of these movements can transform the world we live in, but the one that I feel can transform the world is the revolutionary movement, mainly because I believe it holds the most weight and has the most, because you are trying to change society as a whole not just individually. to change something and make it some thing completely can be defined as a transformation and I believe that is exact what the revolutionary movement is trying explain the most.

Durkin, K. F., & Carrothers, R. M. (2015). Sociology: Beyond common sense [Electronic version]. Retrieved from

L. Smith: Peer # 2

   According to the textbook and the readings social movement is the effort to bring or stop some sort of change in a society (Durkin & Carrothers.2015). This type of movement is meant to be long lasting and can be brought on by different groups and for different reasons.

    The textbook spoke of a few social movements, like the revolutionary movement; which reminds me of the Black Lives Matter movement. Even though it started as a protest against unjust killings of black unarmed citizens it started to turn into a war or rebellion against police in some cases. In Dallas where I live there were multiple cops shot at a rally for justice. This type of behavior leaves a huge cloud over the head of our nation when it comes to racism and social equality. Going forward this type of behavior or movement does not help our nation or guarantee justice. It does however bring attention to an issue that has yet to be resolved in our country.

   Another social movement that sticks out and reminds me of things today is the War on Drugs movement; that started back in June of 1971 and still exists today. Society for the most part still holds true to this movement, but it has become the subject of change and reform lately. Several states have legalized the use of weed and its becoming a hot topic in congress. The implications of this is so huge because, of the dangers of opening up that door. On one hand the prison system might start to actually become uncrowded and on the other hand we give our youth the permission to start experimenting with drugs. The future of this social movement is uncertain, we cannot be so sure if it will work out for the nations good or for the worse. 

Durkin, K. F., & Carrothers, R. M. (2015). Sociology: Beyond common sense [Electronic version]. Retrieved from

Week 4- Discussion 2- Social Change

M. A. Remonte: Peer # 1-

Use the sociological theories provided throughout the text to explain why these polar opposites could both occur, and what needs to happen for peace and prosperity to result. In your answer, be sure to offer an explanation of what the digital divide is and why it matters.

In technology and creativity that provide a good quality of life for most people while others predict a world of competition, conflict and strife through sociological perspectives of functionalism their concerns focus more on the social stability of others where adjusting to changes in the material culture to nonmaterial culture can be a factor in how others have to adapt these new changes to their daily lives. As stated, “Nonmaterial culture, such as norms and values, is constantly trying to adapt to the rapid changes in material culture. (Durkin & Carrothers, 2015).” Meaning both cultures go through an adjustment gap of trying to incorporate the new forms of technology into their lives like younger children being on their ipad’s and playing with cellphones at such a young age where when I was growing up we didn’t have ipad’s to play with but instead played outside and enjoyed the sun.

Through evolutionary perspectives it focused more on the social change perspective of Herbert Spencer as he argued that people in society who were fit would be able to advance and thrive as compare to others in society who were less fit, “would be unable to adapt to challenges. (Durkin & Carrothers, 2015).” Where the new changes and challenges that occur in society now will be overwhelming for most and wouldn’t agree nor try to adapt to the new changes that occur but chose to stay in their bubble and now follow the rest of society.

Although in cyclical perspectives societies go through fluctuation in between two major themes, which are senate culture and ideational culture. Where in senate culture it focuses on personal experiences and materialism and ideational culture focused more on compassion, faith and other emotional ideas.

Lastly would be conflict perspectives where its theories focus and state that, “social change is the result of conflict. (Durkin & Carrothers, 2015).” Where conflicts can occur between different group interests and values of people through social changes because of how things maybe structured and developed that brings a divide in how people represent what their values or interests are in a situation. An example would be people would line up on the traditional Black Friday events around the country where it can sometimes turn violent because you have two citizens fighting over the last piece of DVD or toaster. It shows the lack of discipline most people have because why fight over something that is less value rather then just walk away from this situation to eliminate the conflict overall then being involved with a stranger who can hurt you even more.

What needs to happen for peace and prosperity to result in these social changes is for people to take a minute to just turn everything off for a while. As in all their technology devices so they are not so focused on their social media outlets but instead focus on spending more quality time with family, friends and loved ones because by what I am noticing around me is everyone is so focused on their phones and social media that they have forgotten the value of family, friendship and spending time together trying new adventures. It is like people are competing with one another who can post the next best thing compared to their friends and colleagues rather then just enjoying the time with loved ones but instead others are so caught up with posting their new material things for the world to see and like as if they are trying to get noticed and seek attention from everyone. A day or two without these social media outlets wouldn’t harm anyone but only bring goodness because it means they will enjoy family time and being together then the negativity of what social media has shown lately.

~Maria Thea

Durkin, K. F., & Carrothers, R. M. (2015). Sociology: Beyond common sense [Electronic version]. Retrieved from:


E Jackson :Peer # 2-

since the very beginning of civilization, people have had to achieve a working relationship with their physical environment for social life to be possible.  This is a functional necessity for society to thrive.  Droughts, floods, storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and climate change are all environmental concerns that can present a serious challenge to the well-being a social group.  For instance during the great depression, over-farming created the dust bowl in the great plains and many Americans needed to relocate (Shepard,2009).  Due to the destruction of hurricane Katrina tens of thousands of people living in the gulf coast had to relocate.

Since Functionalism is very much a concern with social stability, change represents a challenge to the balance of a social system.  Societies inherently behave in ways that seek to maintain equilibrium through the adjustment of various parts.  When change is instituted, other parts of the social system must assimilate this change.  As parsons (1951) noted, societies will strive toward an integration of systems when change occurs.  Cyclical theories as Moore (1974) observed cyclical theories don't just deny the existence of change, but they deny that any specific change is leading somewhere particular in long terms, Pitirim Sorokin (1937).  He argued that societies tend to fluctuate between two major themes meaning going backwards and forwards.

According to conflict theory, social change is often driven by economic factors.  According to Marx and Engels (1972, p. 337) capitalism is based on "naked self-interest".  Society and social relations are structured in a way that will benefit the capitalist at the expenses of the rest of the citizen.     

what is digital divide? 
A term used to describe the discrepancy between people who have access to and the resources to use new information and communication tools, such as the Internet, and people who do not have the resources and access to the technology. The term also describes the discrepancy between those who have the skills, knowledge and abilities to use the technologies and those who do not. The digital divide can exist between those living in rural areas and those living in urban areas, between the educated and uneducated, between economic classes, and on a global scale between more and less industrially developed nations.

Durkin, K. F., & Carrothers, R. M. (2015). Sociology: Beyond common sense [Electronic version]. Retrieved from

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