Psychology 345 Final Paper (Worth: 100 Points)

At this point, you will have reviewed the literature on a topic relevant to abnormal psychology. You will

also have received feedback on your paper proposal. The purpose of this proposal was to learn more about

a topic that you are interested in and to provide you with information that will help maximize your grade.

The final paper is worth 100 points, so make sure that you carefully review and incorporate your

feedback. All sentences and paragraphs must be of a reasonable length.

Guidelines for the Final Paper:

1. Clearly state the topic.

2. Formulate the topic in terms of a research question.

3. Indicate why this topic/issue is relevant to abnormal psychology (5-7 sentence minimum).

4. Discussion of the topic related to the research question. This is the main body of your paper.

a. It is likely that all 10 of your references will be cited here.

5. Personal opinion/view in light of what has been learned (5-7 sentences minimum). You may use first person here.

6. Discussion of what new information/questions you have in light of what has been learned (5-7 sentences minimum). First person here.

7. List and discuss five ways you could use the information learned from this paper as a change agent.

This is with the education and skills you have now. (2 paragraphs, 5-7 sentences minimum each). First person here.

8. The final research paper should begin with a cover page, include 8-10 pages of text, and end with a

separate reference page listing all cited references. The full paper should be about 11-13 pages.

Strategies for getting a good grade:

1. Incorporate the feedback from your proposal into your final paper.

2. Write your paper in order and according to the guidelines (see above).

3. Write your paper in APA. Papers not in APA will not be accepted or graded.

4. Use the DSM-5 in your paper.

5. Paraphrase in your paper (no quotes).

6. Check that all of the references on the reference list are cited in the main body of the paper, and all of

the citations in the main body are on the reference list.

7. References are full journal articles from North American journals. These and other references are from

scientific sources.

8. All of your references are from 2010+.

9. Use spell check and grammar check. Consider having someone “proof” your paper.

10. Submit your paper on time to BB.

11. Remember you are not conducting research yourself. You will not earn points for your opinion,

except for #5, #6, and #7.

12. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. The best way to get in touch with me is through

e-mail or text. Please do not wait for the day the assignment is due if you require assistance.