Mini-Project Assignment

IST 309 Informat ion Systems and Technology S-201 7, HE * Late submission will result in a reduction of the report grade by 10% for each calendar day. Mini -Project Assignment #1 Short Report on Cloud Computing and the Applications Purpose of the Assignment: This assignment has a two -fold purpose: 1. To keep you update of the current development of information technologies for management. 2. To build up you r skills in searching, summarizing and presenting information in an effective manner. Requirements of the Assignment: Identify two related articles published RECENTLY that describe/discuss the topic of Big Data and the Applications . One article s hould be ONLY published on the Internet , and the other article should be ORIGINALLY published off the Internet (but, it may also be available on the Internet ). Write a short report in APA (American Psychology Association) style on the information technolo gy discussed in the articles, which accounts 10 % of your final grade . The report should be word -processed in Times New Roman 12 pt font , with no less than FIVE and no more than SIX double -spaced and numbered pages (with 1” margins on all sides) , excluding figures, tables, or illustrations. It should include the following parts (no title page is needed) : ▪ Your name and c ourse information (No separate title page, please.) . ▪ Title of your report . ▪ Abstract of your r eport . ▪ Discussion on the m ain point s and issu es in the two articles via comparison and contrast . ▪ Your reasons of choosing the two articles , and your comments on them . ▪ References (correct citations in APA for both articles , and other article s cited in the report ). Note: • The articles should be technic al articles written in layman language with few or no technical formulas and technical jargons. • The articles should be as recent as possible. Grading Criteria: Grades will be based on: ✓ The relevance and nature of the articles to the course ( 20% ). ✓ The or ganization/structure of your report ( 30% ). ✓ The content, quality, and clarity of your report ( 50% ). Due Date: Please hand in your report to the instructor Dr . Shaoyi He on or before the class on: Thursday , May 4, 201 7*